Heartsupport i occasionally struggle with depressi

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Tool - Pneuma
@heartsupport, I occasionally struggle with depression and have tried to deal with it in my own way without seeking help. Music has been a great outlet to release and to enjoy the moment. Further TOOL has been a big part of my life since I discovered them early in life and this most recent album of theirs is absolutely spectacular.

This reaction to my favorite track off the album is exactly what I needed to hear today, because I believe most of my depressive tendencies stem from not knowing my true purpose in life. I understand we all have the light, but where do I shine this light? Where can I be the most impactful in my life and not feel small and worthless?

TOOL is cool and you need to check out the drum cam to this song!


That drum cam video is the BEST! Thanks for mentioning it, and thanks for writing this comment. Struggling with depression can be debilitating. It’s like you have an extra weight on your shoulders that keeps you from getting as far along with anything as you know you can. You sound like someone who really knows themselves though. You know you love music and you know it’s something that helps when things seem especially dark. I hear you saying you don’t know your true purpose and I know I can identify with that. You are definitely not alone there. I’ve spent years in the past wondering if I was good enough or smart enough for the path I was on, wondering if I was even going in the right direction. I have to say though that from what I am reading, you already know you have a source of positivity “a light” inside of you and while you may not be sure where to shine it, you know that’s what its there for. Many times after questioning things and feeling like I was wandering aimlessly, I would look back and see that even though it had felt directionless at the time, it often made sense in hindsight. You’re trying to figure out where you can be your best self and I personally think that pretty amazing! If you ever want to talk more about what is giving you feelings of depression, please reach out.

Hey there!

First off I just want to say thank you for being open with is here, we appreciate it and don’t take it for granted. I believe that sharing how you feel and what you have been through can help other feel less alone, so again, thank you.

I also struggle with depression. For most of my life it has been a constant battle with anxiety and depression. For a long time, I also found ways to cope without seeking others help. Some of those ways were not always healthy, but some were. Music really helped me get through a lot growing up, and it still does to this day. I find the words they sing to be a reminder that i am not alone, that i am not crazy, or the only one going through these thoughts or things.

I am so glad that you have been able to find hope in these songs, I think music is a great healthy way to cope. It’s great to be able to go to so you can get away from life for a little and just enjoy something you love.

I struggle with what I am meant to do in life as well. I am going on 25, dropped out of college 3 times, I had hopes and dreams that I never followed through with. I am still trying to find myself today, I m still trying to understand what I am meant to do, or what makes me happy. I am hoping that I am slowly finding it.

It takes time, please know that age does not set a limit for when you need to know what you want to do in life. I try to remind myself that there is always tomorrow, and the sun will rise and we will try again.

I am so glad you are aware that you have a purpose or a light in this life; some people have a difficult time seeing that they matter, they can make a difference. I think how you worded it here is really wonderful, like you know you have the light, but don’t know where to shine it, I will remember that.

You are not small and worthless, remember that. Remember that you have purpose, don’t let that go.

In my journey of life so far, I have found that I just really want to make people know that they are not alone in what they have been through, what they have felt, what they have tried to do, or the thoughts that they have had. I have hobbies, like art, and music, and playing video games, and my dream is to make that all come together one day, where I can truly be happy in what I am doing with my life.

Thank you again for being open with us here. I appreciate your time, and I’m sure there will be more Toole reactions in the future! I am so glad you are here.

Keep going my friend.

With love,