Heartsupport i really appreciate the way you took

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Belongs to: Therapist Analyzes Papa Roach - Last Resort
@heartsupport I really appreciate the way you took this song because I always took it as a dare. Like I WISH someone would tell me I’m fine. Like, please do. I want to hear it. Because I’m NOT fine. Whatever told you I was is nothing but a liar.

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Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize I already said that ain’t nobody said anything, though.

I completely relate. I was just doing some journaling and realized that I would discredit people close to me that would encourage me because I would say things like: “Well, you don’t really understand. If you knew, you wouldn’t say that.”

It’s so easy to bat away the love we receive. We fear that by embracing it, it will be overwritten by criticism. And the criticism feels more true. So we feel like a fool for allowing anything good into our lives.

Just TRY to tell me I’m worth it. Just TRY to tell me I’m fine.

We almost gain a sense of strength of being the one to criticism, to keep the good out, because we feel like - ah, I’m not being a fool. And in a backwards sense, it feels like empowerment.

But over time, what ends up happening is that WE are the only voice of criticism left in our lives. And we are someone we can’t escape.

There is something daringly vulnerable about allowing others to love us. To encourage us. To say good things about ourselves and be risky enough, courageous enough to say “thank you”.

I will give you the chance here…you matter, friend. You do. You are worthy of love. You are worthy of the perseverance it takes to actually get to a place where you are fine. You are worthy of the risk to receive love. You matter.

Thank you for posting.

-nate, heartsupport staff