Heartsupport im sorry for your loss i have been st

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Belongs to: Therapist gets Paranoid by Black Sabbath
@HeartSupport I’m sorry for your loss.

I have been struggling with “depression” for 30 years. 7 years ago I happened to come across a psychologist (through the public health system in Australia) who specialised in trauma (I would report to a Dr. when I’m in absolute crisis. That has happened about 6 times now and I can usually only access a counseller. So, I hit gold this one time and she was able to show me how dysregulated my sympathetic nervous system was and that emotional neglect is a trauma in one’s childhood). She gave me a diagnosis of CPTSD and I only got to see her another 3 times before the allotted no. of funded visits where finished.

That was 7 years ago. It has taken me until now (about a month ago) to accept (internalise) this diagnosis and to understand what CPTSD is and the vast array of issues that I have been shadowboxing with for all this time. Issues such as Brain Dysregulation and Limerence have wreaked havoc on my existence and I am still working through the whole “I don’t know who I really am” and “I have never learned how to regulate my emotions properly through speech” angles. All this has kind of been washing over me over the past month and I’m possibly a little bit “frozen” at the minute. I’m in the process of seeing a psychologist again. This time I’m not in crisis I’m armed to the teeth with resources.

I would like to volunteer to help. CPTSD issues aside I have a remarkably well-grounded temperment. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for your orginisation.



Thank you so much for sharing your story. You have made a lot of amazing insights into your personal journey and I’m so happy to hear you are going back to counseling. It can be so frustrating when we find someone we trust but then have to stop for reasons outside of our control. I’m so glad you never gave up. Educating ourselves is a powerful tool . And now you are empowered to help others and that’s so awesome! We truly appreciate your willingness to help! We will get you information on how to volunteer! We truly appreciate you!

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Thank you so much for sharing your story! Thank you for wanting to use all you’ve experienced to help others! HeartSupport has two main avenues of volunteering-- the S.W.A.T. and the mentorship program. S.W.A.T. Volunteering Page SWAT is our support wall action team-- which is what I am replying to you through. You would go through a 3 hour training and then join a SWAT team with others to reply to people who reach out on HeartSupport’s Social Media or Support Wall!
Mentorship Program you can do in addition to SWAT or on its own- you can become a mentor to someone in need and meet with them weekly to do check-in calls and provide a listening ear and be a peer to them! Either are great! I found the SWAT training incredibly helpful for just learning how to listen to people in general. I hope you find it to be as well!!

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I am so sorry that you have struggled for so long, but I am so glad that you were able to finally get some answers regarding what you have been dealing with! It sounds like you have been able to make some actual progress, even though there are still those hard days. I am so extremely proud of you for not giving up on yourself and for getting the resources that you need!

I am sorry that there are still some struggles that you are having and I can relate to the “not knowing who you really are” issue. There are times where I still am not sure if I have found the answer to that question, but I have definitely made progress with it. Expressing your emotions through words can be an extremely difficult, but I believe in you! I am happy that you were able to find someone who is able to help you throughout your journey!

Thank you so much for wanting to volunteer! JBranch has provided links to our two volunteer programs! You can also check out the our website, heartsupport.com for more details!