Heartsupport my monsters are extremely really just

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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Monsters by Shinedown
@heartsupport my monsters are extremely really just give me a word of encouragement

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The monsters in our heads lie to us. They want us to believe that they are the powerful ones and that they have control and will never leave us. But bringing our monsters, our struggles, to the surface where the light can shine on them and expose them is where we take back our power. You are not alone! We are here for you and care! If you are ready to open up we are here to listen. When I first shared about my monsters I was terrified people would judge me. I kept burying them deeper and that’s when they got stronger. But once I wrote it all down then starting sharing pieces of my story with someone I trusted, I felt them losing their grip. We all have monsters that scare us. Sharing our struggles can connect us with others and give us the strength and courage we need to defeat them once and for all. You’ve started the process by reaching out and that’s so awesome! You can take your power back and be free of them! They cannot survive when we’re vulnerable and expose them. There is so much hope for you! You are strong and worthy and courageous and I’m rooting for you! You’ve got this!!

@@HeartSupport thank you.