Heavy metal and death metal just calmes me down i

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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Exhumed by August Burns Red
Heavy Metal and Death Metal just calmes me down. I put my Headset on and lay on my bed and just come down. It helped me alot with my su***l thoughts. My whole life is pain and ending it would help stop the pain. But Metal helpes to control the thoughts better


As someone with prerty intense anxiety, I agree. I think it’s the busyness of the musical style that maybe overwhelms my senses, so the busyness or my mind slows down. My inner monologuing goes quiet. Just a theory

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Hey there. I am so sorry you have struggled with so much pain in life. I know those heavy thoughts are hard to carry sometimes but I am here to carry that pain with you. I am so glad youve used misic to help keep going. Your strength and courage to keep fighting is so inspiring. Music can be so healing too. I can relate to this a lot, and I know a lot of my friends and music family relate to the same genre a lot as well. Some say it’s the pace of the music. Others say it’s the emotion behind the bleghs. A few dont know why and just simply knows it plucks that right heart string. What about it do you especially love? Who are some of your favorite artists?


Hey Friend,

I can confidently say that Metal saved my life. It’s gotten me through so much in life and has been the thing that kept me from following through and acting on those intrusive thoughts.

Thats actually how I ended up finding HeartSupport 10 years ago. It’s been a pivitol part of my life in the sense that it’s helped me grow through and past those things that held me back.

We’d love for you to come hang out :slight_smile:

But real quick - what’s your favorite part of this song??

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Hi! Same here, honestly. Music has saved my life on so many occasions and it’s so much more important than people realize. I’m so glad you’ve found an outlet 🩵🩵

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Music is powerful and finding music that helps you with your walk is even better. I love August Burns Red, their new song Exhumed talks about how my demons die today. These thoughts of you not being worthy and stopping the pain are not from God. The devil is messing with your mind because you DO matter and he is afraid of you and what God can do through you. He can take all that pain and carry it for you. I have walked through so much pain in my own life and when I look back I see what God did for me through it. I gained strength and perspective. Listen to metal that speaks to you and lyrics that uplift you. ABR and Demon Hunter are some of my all time favorites. Listen to Demon Hunters “I am a stone”, those lyrics hit me in the heart every time. I am praying for you

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Hi there,

I’m sorry that you had to go through that terrible torment of being suicidal. I’ve been there too, and after I’ve seen one of my favorite bands live and I’ve experienced their music live and felt so alive, I made a truce with myself that I have to stay alive so I can see them again and to go to the concerts from all the bands I love.
I’m glad to know that music saved you and you feel the same as me with this hardcore music. I found Heartsupport support because of August Burns Red.
Ending it won’t end the pain of this life, it might take a lot of time and fight to get there, but you can find that spark again, that will make you happy you chose to keep on going. And that’s brave and I’m proud of you.
I’m glad to hear that you count so much on music, you are never alone in this and you are always welcomed in our community.
Music has so much power of healing. I felt and still feel the same so many times. Music connects souls and it’s so wonderful that we have this community where we are understood and seen. And I like to think that when we are alone, at home listening to music that’s when we are fighting through our struggle, while relating through the shared stories from the lyrics, but when we are at a concert, we are celebrating at the same time with others that we’ve made it so far. Have you been to any concerts?
And have you tried going to therapy? For me it really helped to talk to a professional. And i realized that getting extra support it was something I really needed.
I wish you the best.

I think that’s where a lot of us come together right? That kind of music is basically everything to me. Whether it’s from listening to it My phone, Going to a mosh pit, a concert, Literally anything that has to do with heavy music. It puts me in a place where I need to be.