
I have 2 houses and I’ve been in that situation since I was 2 so it doesn’t really effect me. But it has recently. Today for example I’m scared to go to my dads because I have 2 half sisters and the youngest is a gremlin. She bit me and hit me today I have bruises on both arms to prove it. I can’t fight back of defend because then I get in trouble. What should I do?


Welcome to Heart Support, Glimmer

I hope I can be a more helpful gremlin than your youngest half sister ) Being physically attacked to the point of bruises is not fun. It may be worth talking to her to see if she will stop, or if there is another reason behind her actions. If she continues to hurt you, you could try avoiding her and maintaining space between both of you. You could talk to your dad or another adult that you trust to explain the situation if you are afraid of getting in trouble. Hopefully, they will understand, because you deserve to be physically safe.

Here for you,

Hey friend, wow I am so sorry that this is happening. We never know why people act out in violence, sometimes it’s a case of not being able to communicate feelings and needs.
Do you think that having a talk with your parents would help? Being able to voice feeling unsafe or having fear of getting hurt is a very valid concern. It’s hard not being able to be responsible for someone else’s actions and being able to redirect them from those actions.

I do hope that being able to open a conversation, your parents will be able to understand your perspective and worries.

Hello Glimmer!

Thank you so much for reaching out to us here at Heart Support! We are so happy to have you, and you made a wonderful decision to reach out and be honest. I know that can be extremely difficult.

I am so sorry that you are going through this right now, I know that this is very difficult and painful. We are here to help you, support you, and help you navigate through this situation. Do you have an open line of communication with your Dad? Possibly talking with him calmly about your concerns could be a possible route to take.

Sending love,

Hello Glimmer,
I am really sorry you’re dealing with that situation. Being bit and hit is never okay even if it comes from a smaller sibling. It must feel unfair to be in a position where you’re getting hurt but feel like you cant really do anything about it.
Maybe it could help to calmly let your dad know that your half-sister is seriously hurting you and that you don’t feel comfortable with that. it’s not okay for anyone to hurt you and your dad should step in to make you feel safe

You deserve to feel safe and comfortable in your own home, whether it’s at your mom’s or dad’s. And remember that we are always here to listen to you and support you :slight_smile:

sending love and support,
domenica <3