Hospital Run

Well rushed into hospital 5 ish hours ago. As I collapsed we knew I had significant health problems since last week. As they are 50% sure there is a tumor growing in me. Which could lead to cancer. But we don’t know yet on top of that struggling with MDD. I am kinda scared right now knowing on what happened to Technoblade is basically the same thing that’s happening to me. Goodbye for now.


I’m hoping everything is ok friend. Keep us updated


Hi Aces.
I am so sorry friend. When you told me this today I was honestly shocked. I really hope it’s not cancer. You are such a cool guy. Talented and brave. Honestly you are a big inspiration for others. For me and for others around you like that little kid that wanted to be like you. You are too cool to die. I know MDD is making this situation even worse for you. We are here to support you ok. We care about you. You don’t deserve to go through this and it’s unfair but you don’t have to go through this alone. We are here and we will listen. I hope that everything goes well and you will put this awful part of life behind you soon. Hang in there friend. Wishing you the best of luck :heart:


From: ManekiNeko

I can imagine that you’re feeling stressed right now. That you’re feeling scared and possibly feeling lonely, but I’d love for you to try to stay focused on the other side of the what ifs. There’s a lot of specialists out there who are so capable of so much more than they were a few years ago. The medical world is always advancing, and so I do carry hope for you, and I do hope you do as well. We will be there to support you, aces.


From: twixremix

hiya aces,

this is such an uncertain and frightening time for you. i understand your fear and i have full trust and faith in your team of doctors to take care of you and find a solution for your health problems. the best support i can lend you is to focus on treating your stress in the meantime since that can only weaken our immune system and response to any foreign bodily dangers. please keep us all updated on how we can best support you, aces. you will be okay.



Hello again Aces,

I know how you have been having a lot on your heart, mind & shoulders lately. All of your feelings are valid & understanding, but remind yourself of things that bring you joy. Allow yourself to be helped by the doctors & nurses during this time & let your body heal from all of the things going on right now.

Find joy in each day. Give yourself grace. Be kind to yourself.
You are enough. You are valid. You are strong. You matter.

-StarFox :yellow_heart:


From: eloquentpetrichor

Hey, Aces, friend! This is so scary and I’m so sorry that you are having any kind of health scare right now. No matter the outcome that is just so terrifying.

I hope that whatever the result ends up being that your doctors are able to give you the best possible care. Medical science is constantly advancing and improving and there are so many different ways to treat these things that can allow for full recovery. And there is every possibility that this is nothing worrisome.

You are an amazing person, Aces, and I hope that you can keep your head up and focus on the things you enjoy and the people in your life that provide you with comfort right now, whether they are irl people or internet people, lean on them and allow yourself to enjoy moments together. That is the best advice I can give you for handling these fears. Enjoy the small moments when you are able and let them erase the big concerns from your mind even if just for a second. We’re always here for you no matter what hugs :hrtlegolove: :hrtlegolove:


Hey Aces, good to hear from you again.

I am so, so sorry to hear you are going through another super stressful situation. It cannot be easy to add another item to your plate right now, and I truly wish you the best in getting the best news you can. You know you have us here to talk to when ever you need friendly voices (or lines of text) to fall back on, chat with, and be with. Fear will do everything it can to hold your attention and energy in times like this. Try your best to give it as few strings to hold onto as possible. It is super easy to focus on the ‘what ifs’ and speculate from there. Don’t forget to also feed the positive side of your thoughts. It may take extra effort to do so, but it helps keep the negative side from trying to pull you further down.

We are here for you, friend. You got this. :hrtlovefist:


From: Lisalovesfeathers

Hi Aces, Im sorry you are unwell and that you were taken in to hospital, it is frightening when you dont know what is going on inside you own body, I had that problem myself at the beginning of this year for a while and its not nice. Now if we look at some of the facts of the situation that we do know. You are young and fit and healthy normally, they dont even know if its a tumour so they cant possibly say what that would consist of which lessens the likelihood even more and even though that poor person you spoke of died young it is actually rare for a young person to die from cancer which has narrowed down any possibility you have to very low indeed so as hard as it is please try not to worry until you have been given a diagnosis. You could easily be getting in a state over nothing. I hope you soon will be feeling better. Lisalovesfeathers. x


Hey Aces,

Given you’ve been inactive for a while, I hope it’s okay that I’m replying to your post. I just wanted to let you know that you’re not forgotten. You’re still in my thoughts and I hope so very much that you’re doing okay and that your health is well taken care of.

Sending you big hugs and much love. - Kay

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