Hospitalized for Depression

Posting a link to “Krembs”, which was a creative non-fiction
piece, sort of “stream of consciousness” work that was printed in the
premier issue of The Martian Chronicle magazine. “Krembs” was the name
of the psych-ward unit I stayed in at Binghamton General Hospital. I
think it starts on page 23. Here ya go…
If the link gives you problems, please let me know?

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It’s unusual to see a flow of thoughts like that being put into words. It’s like being inside another person’s mind. That the dialogue is interrupted by distractions, such as “no nail file,” or “where’s my Vicodin,” makes it seem real. The petty rules, and generic comments by staff are pretty typical in those inpatient situations. The behavior of the other patients sounds authentic as well.

I am not sure I understand what is meant by a “creative nonfiction.” If the work was based on your experience, I hope you’re doing okay now.

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Thank you Wings. Every word is true, based on actual events. This particular hospitalization occurred 9 years ago. The genre is simply “creative non-fiction” because it is non-fiction written in a creative way, not necessarily fitting into the boxes of either an essay or a short story. I’m not great these days, as the familiar thoughts tend to come more often than I would like them to, but as long as I keep my number one rule about suicide, I’ll be okay. My number rule is DON’T. After that, everything else, good and bad, is just the blessing of living life. Thank you for taking the time to read my work and comment. Hugs


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