How do i cope with reality?

i just feel terrible and dont know how to cope anymore. i sleep and sleep and sleep but i just cant sleep anymore. i dont wanna be conscious. i cant distract myself. i know there are all these different kind of coping mechanisms but they dont actually help. they are just a temporary escape to my issues. i know i should just fix them but i dont have the energy to, so i just sleep. 12+ hours a day. im so exhausted. from doing absolutely nothing. im tired.


Well maybe it would help putting it to words then, which is fatigue. It has a lot of causes tho so let’s not worry about that.
The first thing i would say is to be physically active a little. I know, “I don’t have the energy to,” you don’t have to do what Michael Phelps does. You don’t even really have to work out. Yoga is great. Hand yoga, face yoga require little to no energy, and specially hand yoga, that helps with the blood supply to the extremities. Well, there are aspects to your fatigue, and we’ve just taken care of the physical aspect.
Now for the mental, are you ok? I’m guessing you’re not. And if you think you’re ok, then you should check out your mental health with a professional. There could be a condition that you don’t know of that’s causing this fatigue, and i would also urge you to check your body as well. I’m here if you want to talk about whatever that’s bothering you. But at the moment, you have to get active. It’s not going to fix itself, you have to get active. I’m sorry that you feel that way. I hope you feel a bit of energy soon.

Hey there,

I’m really sorry to hear you’re struggling with this. I know how hard it can be to face seemingly insurmountable issues, and just try to escape from them, even though it never feels like enough.

I faced this when I had a really stressful job, combined with a poor home life, and every second I had I just kept trying to get AWAY from it and rest, but it never felt like enough.

The thing is, sometimes you have to force your way through it to make something happen. I’m not entirely sure what you’re struggling with, but it might be worth taking a look at what it WOULD take to fix what you’re facing. You don’t have to take any steps just yet, but just getting a plan in place for when you do have the capacity to do it would be good.

As someone who is on the other end of it, it will be really stressful and tiring, but taking that extra step, biting the bullet, and pushing through to get some of those solutions in place will be the only thing that eases the stress.

If you’ve ever watched a movie and someone has a dislocated arm or leg, they’ll have that character brace, then push it back in. It’s painful beforehand, excruciating for a moment, but then they can move on with things, and slowly the pain subsides. I doubt it’s the same in real life, but I think that’s the concept :slight_smile: Brace, Push through, and then you’ll start to feel relief.

You can do this!

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We hope you feel encouraged, and lean on us as you’re navigating what you’re going through.

  • HS Houston

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