Hugs (and the giving nature of folks here)

@Wings reminded me of this much-loved series!

I remember seeing these on paper, cutting them out of the physical print newspapers and walking around with them in my wallet. So I hunted them down online, easy because I remember the words, and made this compilation. Technology is nifty sometimes lol!

They were profound and I found something new to inspire/ponder/relate to every time I looked at it. Sometimes I was the lonely affection starved cactus, at others the rat who was trying to drop some truth bombs and get someone/myself to snap out of my/their head.

But this HS Family reminds me of the soft-hearted loving friendly pig. We are willing to look past the hard shells and see the person below, we love on them, even if we’re hurting. We bring happiness, as best as we can.

Thank you everyone here for that! :smiley:


Never heard of this comic before today through your and Wings post - I suppose it’s because it’s american/there’s a cultural gap. It seems lovely! And a good way to approach life/philosophical themes for people of any age.

Thank you for sharing. Glad to have the opportunity to discover this today. Can feel that this is going to be my next favorite bedside reading, haha.

It’s also true that sometimes you have to take the spines in order to give a hug when it’s asked. In the end, it only makes the skin thicker against any type of self-deprecation/unhealthy isolation.

Grateful for all the cactus showing their spines out there, as these happened to be for valid reasons,
And grateful for all the people who are okay with turning into porcupines! :hrtlovefist:


never will I ever hear “porcupine” without hearing Edna sing it LOL

Fun fact, this is my alarm setting to wake up. It starts the day off groovy and laughter-filled!


Kit has the best remixes. XD


Well said @Sita It’s why I stayed after my first post here. My name is Lizzy because this was going to be temp and I didn’t want anyone to know I was here. I love everyone here. :hrtlegolove:


Kit has the best remixes. XD

Ooh yes! I remember listening to the “Breathe in” one at work regularly. Always gave a big smile and, in the end, it’s pretty good! :laughing:


I know right? His sound cloud is filled with so much talent from the community. :rofl:

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