I absolutely looooove mudvayne please listen to de

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Happy? by Mudvayne
I absolutely looooove Mudvayne!!! Please listen to Death Blooms, Dig, world so cold. Yes I’m giving so much and they just took and left when I’m struggling. When you talk about struggling they don’t want to hear. Very Lonely. For me this tune was my mental illnesses are taking everything from me and I’m like are you happy now??? Still struggling for 45 years :heart: There seems to really be no way out. Thanks for doing these videos

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Hi @HeartSupport_Fans,

Music is universal because people can interpret it in different ways. I loved when a song is relatable to my life. You aren’t alone suffering with mental health issues. I do struggled with several mental illnesses. Some days I want to give up but I wouldn’t allow it to stop enjoying the things I love. I can understand why people don’t like using the word struggle. Struggle seems like a negative term. However, I see struggle as a weakness to improve on myself. You will someday overcome this tough obstacle in your life. Don’t you ever give up on me! I’m here to support you during your good and bad times in your life.

Hey friend - thank you so much for sharing this here (and suggesting these songs on top of it!). It’s really hard when it feels like relationships in your life just don’t go both ways, that there is no sense of reciprocity in it. Somehow, you’re pouring your heart into the relationships, you’re genuinely caring about others and giving them your attention and care, but when YOU need support you realize that no one is there. It’s painful to be in this place, and as you said it’s so very lonely too. It’s the kind of reaction that would make you want to never open up about your struggles again, almost as if keeping up a mask in front of your face would be the only way to maintain relationships and not be alone in this world. On the other hand, when people leave you like this, it feels as if you are just wrong for feeling and for struggling in the first place. As if others had the right to not be okay, but when it’s you it’s just impossible to accept it. You are expected to be the strong one, the person who listens and dedicates their life to others, and it’s hard for them to see and realize that you, too, are human. That you also have your share of bad days and dark times when having a friend by your side is needed. And that none of those moments would make you less you - you are still the same loving, caring person. Just even more authentic and vulnerable as you share about your struggles too.

I’m really sorry that you’ve been met with so much abandonment when you needed others the most. It’s so painful to see the people we love moving away from us just because we happened to share how we feel. It should never be that way. On the contrary, being vulnerable with others should be seen as such a huge mark of trust. Rest assured that it is an honor for us here to get to know you and to see beyond the mask. I appreciate so very much your willingness to share who you are and how you feel, especially in the midst of what must have felt like deep loneliness. Thank you for being here, friend. Thank you for caring as you do. Don’t let this world crush you - your heart is beautiful as it is. :heart: