I am not good enough

I don’t think i am good enough I don’t have any talents i can’t
do anything i stay in my room and watch YouTube or play games all day


I used to do that and feel that way too. I wasn’t addressing my mental health well enough. Anything in particular getting you down?


Hello happyzebra,
thank you for reaching out to us.
What makes you feel that way in particular ?
You might have talents where you don’t know. have you tried ?
you are good enough. you are worth and you matter my friend. Maybe give it a try, explore something and
be surprised by yourself. Open up to your close friends or family, they will support and help you.
Life can be overwhelming, for everyone. But life has more to give.
Reach out here, everytime and feel hugged, have a nice day


a few weeks ago my friend said they were going to kill their self, but they didn’t and they are depressed and they won’t get help. i want to help them


i have asked about a therapist before and my mom said that i need a new hobby


Hello there,

I am sorry that you are feeling this way. If you feel like you need to talk to someone, you can get a seven-day trial with BetterHelp? It is sometimes helpful to actually talk it out and get some feedback on your situation and feelings. Keep on going! You got this!

You are valid. You are strong. You are enough. You matter!

-StarFox :yellow_heart:


From: Who.is

watching YouTube of itself isn’t a bad thing, it can get easy to isolate yourself and sit with your thoughts though. The more you sit and think about the negative things, the more real they feel and the bigger they get.
So maybe it’s not a bad thing to break out from that environment from time to time and have people around to talk to.
It can take time to find what you are good at and what you want to do with your journey in life, part of the fun is discovering that and enjoying trying things along the way.


From: Lisalovesfeathers

Hi Friend, Thank you for your post, you value in lfe in not judged by how well you can do a certain thing, you can be good at many things, you dont have to be fantastic at any one thing. What is more wonderful is what is in your heart and you speak of your friend and its clear that you worried and that you care and that is a pure and a gift in itself. You are a beautiful soul and I hope that in time you learn to realise that, that is the best thing about any one person. everything else will fall into place in time as your confidence grows. Look after your heart and mind though, if you need to see a therapist keep asking, its your right to speak to someone if you need to. We of course are alway here for you. Much Love Lisa. x


From: Dr :ghost:OoOoOoo​:ghost:garth

Hi happyzebra,

Something my therapist always throws back at me when I say “I’m not good enough”, is “good enough for what or for who?”. They’re good questions to think about and I have to remind myself often that “good enough” is a standard we set for ourselves; it doesn’t come from anywhere, just what we think others or situationd demand from us. Challenge what “good enough” means for you, what you think you “should” be doing or be that you think you’re not?

How is the situation with your friend now? Have you managed to talk with them more? I think they’re lucky to have a friend who is so actively trying to help them, that’s rare in my experience.

I’m sorry your Mum reacted the way she did about therapy and a hobby is really not a replacement for help. As others have said, you still have options, I’m just sorry you don’t have that support. You matter. x


i dont think i am good enough for my future what i want to be or for anyone

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Sorry to hear what mom said, i believe therapy helps in a professional level it release some preasure in your mind, hope you find a therapist. Hugs we all need someone to talk too. God bless prayers, love and peace.


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It can be Very difficulty to feel that way, try to think positive, be around positive people for encouragement, give u strength to move forward and find yourself that you do have potential and u do matter.



maybe you will become her world ?
it is her decision, be sure she will let you know that.


Hi, happyzebra

Sorry you feel that way i hope u find the strength to give it a chance of love, give the other person make the decision how they see you, you can talk about it be open if u can, or make it as a trivia just to see how how that person feel. One day at a time
Thank you for posting.

Bless, and hugs


Sometimes i feel the same way where I am confused with my life and I don’t know where i stand but if one thing i learned is that i am trying to accept my life as it goes “going with the flow” and I am trying to learn how my life is set to be.


Hi! Just checking to see how you are doing. Feeling not good enough isn’t something that comes out of the blue. It built up over time and takes time to unwind. Keep posting and reaching out

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i am not doing good today, i was playing online today my friends started being mean to me. and i felt insecure

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Good enough to build racecars, travel in space, perform brain surgery, or run a three minute mile? “Good enough,” regardless of how few or how many talents come naturally, is based on the value we assign to ourselves. It’s necessary to start with feeling the reality of being good enough, before beginning to explore what talents you may have. You are a good person. That means you are most definitely good enough.

If you believe the misinformation that you are not good enough, where will your motivation to learn what you are capable of come from?

I think I can relate to what you are feeling. I started out with the belief that I was not good enough to do anything but menial chores, and that’s exactly what I did for several years. While I was doing that, I watched what other people were doing, and in many cases, I’d tell myself, “I think I can do that,” and sometimes I was allowed to try. Sometimes the outcome was “nope, I guess I can’t do that.” Most often though, I found that I was able to learn and do things I never thought I could.

Anyway, write on the blackboard 100 times, “I am good enough!” Just kidding… Sort of.

You have already demonstrated empathy. That makes you of great value, far beyond just “good enough.”

If you are in school, the counselor may be able to help you connect with someone who can help you. Stay in touch. Wings


i am not doing good today, i was playing online today my friends started being mean to me. and i felt insecure

I’m sorry that your friends made you feel insecure. It’s not something that any friend should ever do. Could it be possible that they were not aware of it? Sometimes between friends we can be mean to each other but more in a familiar/non-harmful way. Although it’s the type of communication that definitely needs to be agreed on both ends. If something in the way they behave or in what they say hurts you or makes you uncomfortable, then it’s okay to let them know about it. If they care and meant no harm, they will make sure to not do it again. Otherwise they may simply not be right people to be around in your life. In any case, you deserve to share your time with people who make you feel safe and uplifted, not the opposite. There is beauty and value in you. When people express the opposite to you, they’re not saying the truth – they’re simply missing out on actually seeing you, and that is their loss.

I hope you make sure to be gentle with yourself today. May this Sunday be more peaceful to your heart and mind. :hrtlegolove:


That is great jennifer good to hear that, Continue your journey.

God bless