I am ugly and I feel like I’ll never get a girlfriend

I feel like I’ll never get a girlfriend, since I think I’m ugly and not confident enough. I am 19 and I have never been in a relationship before. Is this normal?

Here is a photo of myself



Hey there, im very sorry you are feeling that way. It totally is normal to not have had a s/o yet. I have heard of / have quite a few friends who have not yet either at your age. 19 is still young!! It is just a matter of the right timing and finding someone. I do not think you are ugly either:( im sorry you feel that way. In the mean time while you do not have a girlfriend take time to do things you love and grow as a person so that when you do have that special someone, you are ready. Appreciate the friends you have in life too. Not having a girlfriend does not mean you are broken and unlovable. Stay strong !


You don’t look ugly to me.
Also, some people never get into relationships until they are in their later twenties or even their thirties, so don’t feel bad about not having been in a relationship before.


Hey man, I didn’t have my first serious relationship until I was 19-1/2. I thought maybe I was ugly too, but I didn’t see it when I looked in the mirror. For me, it was a combination of a cripplingly low self esteem vibe I gave off, and the fact that I didn’t look around at all the girls who might be interested. I’m not saying play the numbers game, that’s garbage, but if there’s a girl who’s friendly with you, don’t pass up the chance to ask the nice girl with the good smile for coffee. Through all the shit I’ve been through, my one real regret is that I didn’t pursue “that” girl when I was 19 and had the chance.


You are not ugly. Don’t feel bad. I really wanted a relationship because I was 20 and never had a boyfriend. That relationship wasn’t healthy because I was desperate. It’s not a race. My advice is to try to focus on what you love to do.


Same here, I ligit just posted something about this. I feel you man, whether it be about looks or personality, I don’t understand why anyone would notice my existence. Has been the biggest suprise of my life for anyone to like me.
But to answer your question, if we’re both feeling this way, at the same time, It must be normal. Everyone feels like this. It’s a feeling we all have. I think we will eventually find someone, but that is only when we are not looking for it. It’s like peeking while someone’s holding out a present when you’re not supposed to. Or walking towards a shy cat instead of them walking towards you. Things only come when you feel at peace with yourself, and when instead of searching for things, you let them find you.


How do you know if you’re desperate? I’m afraid of being desperate but I don’t know what that feels like

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Looks wise, I don’t think you have anything to worry about. Regarding looks as well as many other things, we are our own worst critics! Guys don’t need to be conventionally handsome in order to be attractive to the opposite sex. For example, check out Lyle and Julia.L&J

There’s 99% more to a relationship than physical attraction. Physical attraction can lose its power as soon as a person starts talking. The inherent personality and integrity of a person is what manifests sustained attraction.

Be at peace with your single-ness. I don’t know if it involves micro-expressions, pheromones’ or body language that reveals it, but those who are feeling desperate tend to repel interest of the opposite sex. A person who can be comfortably unattached, appears calmer and more confident. Women are often attracted to that.


Yesss!!! 100% personality.

As for desperate, wait it means repel??? Wait whaaaa?? That doesn’t make any sense ónò

Yea, when youre cool headed and confident in yourself. At ease, and at peace in general, that’s when ppl become interested. Noticed for me that when that person becomes interested is when I start to panic. I’m trying my best to stay calm. In fact, I will.

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You’re not ugly, and some people don’t get in to a relationship until they are 30 or so, so just because you haven’t yet doesn’t mean you never will.

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