I can’t even apply to a part time job

Online application, making hard for me to have a job. I’m too much of a moron to ever get ahead. I literally fill it out, keep not letting type the right information and it to complicated for me. I’m not good at computers at all, it’s suck that I can’t get a second job and do better to take care of myself. I too much of a dumb ass to do anything in life.

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Hey friend,

It sounds that you’re being really hard on yourself. You’re not stupid or dumb at all. Online applications are generally complex. I personally hate with passion any kind of administrative stuff, and I often make mistakes when I fill a form. I get the frustration, really… I generally lose a lot of time because of the mistakes I do so I need to be extra-focused when I fill a form. It’s easier - and less stressful - when it’s done with someone at a public service or anything that makes the process more “human”. Know that it’s okay to struggle a little with stuff like that. Really, a lot of people have a hard time with this. <3

If you can see the online application before filling it, you can always use word or openoffice or else to make a draft and think about your responses before you send them. Makes it a little less stressful and you can have the time you need to think about what you want to write! Or if you have someone in your relatives who can fill the application with you (or check on your draft), it could be helpful too. It’s okay to ask for some help if you need it at some point.

I wish you the best in your research for this second job! It’s a bit stressful to do this kind of procedure, but I hope you’ll receive some good news as soon as possible. :slight_smile: You can do this. And in the meantime, take care, friend. You deserve to treat yourself well. And you can be proud of what you’re doing to find this new job! :hrtlegolove: