I can t state the truth of how real my monsters ar

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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Monsters by Shinedown
I can’t state the truth of how real my monsters are. They have places they would put me against my will. No, I’ll never tell and just bottle it up.


I’m so glad you are here. This is a safe place to open up and share your story if you feel led to do so. Dealing with monsters can be so difficult and scary and it can feel like if we shared any part of our struggle we would certainly be locked away or judged or as if no one could possibly understand. Keeping those monsters locked inside only make them stronger and give them more power over us. We think about them constantly and that gives them fuel to grow and dominate us to the point where we believe there is no hope of ever defeating them because they are in control, and if we allowed anyone else to see a glimpse of them it would scare them away and leave us alone once again. The truth is that you are not meant to deal with these things alone. We are here for you and want you to know you don’t have to face them alone. Being vulnerable is the monster’s worst fear. When you begin to open up you allow the light in and that shrinks their power. I pray that you consider opening up and that you find someone you trust to do so. It may seem impossible but I can tell you from experience that once you start to open up, they will start to lose their power. You are so worth the fight!


I love how honest you are about the monsters you face. They are real. I don’t know what those evil forces, ideas, or feelings look like for you, but when they rear their ugly heads it is scary and can put us in places we never thought of going. Depression, anxieties, fear, shame, a negative internal monologue, the past, trauma, these all can be monsters that hunt us.

Like Shinedown says,
“'Cause my monsters are real
And they’re trained how to kill
And there’s no coming back
And they just laugh at how I feel
And these monsters can fly
And they’ll never say “die”
And there’s no going back
If I get trapped, I’ll never heal
Yeah, my monsters are real”

The Monsters can feel way more powerful than any force of good in ourselves or in the world. In fact, they can convince us that there is no such thing as goodness or love. They laugh at how we feel and the monsters can fly— they are so powerful they seem to be all-knowing in how to attack us. Whether its depression coming back up, or anxiety that tells us the whole world is against us-- they seem unstoppable.
You say your monsters have places they would put you against your will. I don’t know what those monsters are- if they are bad people in your life or things you’re facing internally- however- I can tell you whatever they are, there is good that can overcome the monsters that hunt you. You have the strength to battle these demons. While you say you will never tell anyone, if you would consider sharing your struggles with a trusted person, it could help to carry the burden. We all need people in our corner and if you’re in an unsafe situation the way out may be through in facing these things head-on and bringing other people in. The monsters are real, but you are stronger than them. The monsters can fly, but you can fly higher. They’re trained how to kill, but you demolish them all. They laugh at how you feel, but you laugh back. They say there’s no going back, but there is. You can bounce back from anything you are facing. You are strong enough to win this fight. Whatever you are fighting, someone else is going through the same struggle. You are not alone. You are a warrior and there is no monster than can crush you.
We are here for you and we will fight all the monsters by your side!! Thanks for reaching out to HeartSupport!


Our monsters can feel so powerful, like we’re standing with our neck craned skyward, feeling minuscule in comparison to the size of what we are facing. That monster has brought us into our darkest days, ruined things we loved, and shown us pain we didn’t know existed. The monster feels so powerful, leaving us feeling like we have no reproach and that we are powerless in comparison. Though the monster towers over you and brings darkness- the monster is simply a shadow. You have power over the shadow that brings pain into your life. Your voice holds that power.

When we feel so diminished by our monsters, we feel like we can’t even begin to stand against them. But our voice rings true and has the ability to pass cleanly through that shadow. Talking to others about what we’re struggling with is such an important tool that we have to fight the darkness. By speaking up, we invite others in to help show us love, to reframe our thoughts, and to help walk us through the temporary darkness of the shadow. When I’ve struggled, I have found so much power in talking with others. It can feel so daunting to be vulnerable with others, but we are all human, and we all struggle. I encourage you to embrace that and reach out to those in your life. The shadows of our monsters can’t darken the lives of all of us. Reach out and talk about your struggles, just like you are doing now! I am so proud of you for reaching out and encourage you to do the same. We are always here for you. You are so loved.