I can’t vvvvv

i can’t breathe, i can’t feel, i can’t even enjoy simple things. I think I have Depersonalization disorder but i’m not sure. I just feel so disconnected and numb sometimes that I’m scared i’ll do something out of my control. I feel like this right now. It’s physically getting harder to breathe… it’s okay when i’m not like this but i can’t breathe when i feel this way. i don’t know what’s happening


Hey @echo,

You’re gonna be okay. :heart:

It sounds that you were having something quite similar to a panic attack, which is absolutely not harmful, but indeed stressful. If you can, it would be great to talk about it to a doctor, so they could give you their opinion, insights and recommandations on this matter. Just to reassure you. :heart:

When this happens, keep trying to breathe slowly and deeply, even if it’s difficult, and try to focus on something else or to ground yourself. There is a technique that helped me a lot when I needed it, which consists to: identify around you 5 things that you can see, 4 things to touch, 3 things you hear, 2 things to smell and 1 to taste. While you do this, you can try to describe out loud the things you see, how it feels. Hopefully it can help you too. :slight_smile:

It is indeed scary to feel disconnected and numb to that point. It feels like you don’t have control and like anything could happen to you. But even if it feels like this, even if it’s very disturbing, you’re not out of control. It’s a healthy reaction to care about your own safety, to come here when you need it as well. It shows that you are not helpless.

I hope you’re feeling better since you posted this.
Sending much love to you. :heart:

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