I can't get better

I can’t seem to get better. I’ve been in the same place for years, and i’ve tried so many things with little success. I feel like at this point im just too far gone and nothing can help me and theres no point anymore. I’m 16 and i’ve just had it, i cant do this anymore. I know some people say i have a whole life ahead of me but if this is even a sliver of what it looks like i dont want it. I’ve lost so many people it is impossible for me to trust anyone and when i do im afraid of just isolating myself in fear of getting hurt. Everyone ive ever known has left and i dont know what to do anymore. So many people have left, ive been cheated on, hurt, and people just seem to leave. I’m never good enough theres always someone better than me and it hurts, so bad. I don’t like myself anymore, i feel i am the reason for all of my problems. Theres too much to explain here but everything just hurts. I’m trying so hard to keep going but its just so, so hard. I can’t get a therapist because everyone in my area has a wait list and my school counselors dont believe me. I just dont know what to do anymore and everythings just too much.


From: Who.is

Hey, it sounds like a lot for you to deal with on your own. Thanks for sharing here with us. It’s hard dealing with the emotions and the mental battle of relationships and friendships when you’re young. I’m still trying to figure it all out too. But to be honest, the good thing about being young is that people around us and us included have a lot of growing and maturing to do. It’s not always going to be the fighting and the let down. There are people who hold value to seeing you as a person and who will support and love you along the way. I hope that you find that support here too.


From: twixremix

hi haileyyy,

first off, i want to welcome you into the heartsupport community! thank you for joining the forum and for feeling comfortable to share what you’re going through. i absolutely understand how you can come to feel this way after being metaphorically punched by so much abandonment, pain, and suffering. and it’s even harder now that there’s a wait list for you to receive the professional help you deserve. regardless, i’d still put myself on that wait list so you can eventually reserve a session to fully dive into everything. but for now, please know that you are seen, heard, and loved here.

life is a rollercoaster in the sense that with every downwards slope, you eventually have to go up again and enjoy the peace that comes with that fact. i can tell you though that your life is your own. if what you see in your future isn’t something to look forward to, what life changes can you make to twist it to be something better? i believe in you and hope to hear from you soon. i’m cheering you on always!!



Hello there,

First off, welcome to the community known as HeartSupport. I am glad that you have found a landing spot here with us. One thing that has helped me is to discover new aspects of myself. When I found out my Myers-Briggs personality, which is an INFJ, it helped me understand myself better. There are a few different personality tests that helped as well.

This is an amazing part of life to find out your likes and dislikes, what drains you, what brings you life and so many other things. Be kind to yourself. Give yourself grace. Find new things and people and hobbies to enjoy. You got this!

You are important. You are valid. You are enough. You matter.

-StarFox :yellow_heart:


Hey Haileyyy,

I am sorry you are going through all of this. Losing loved is always hard, and it doesn’t help if you are also going through social/relationship struggles as well. What I want to say is… your statement of “I am never good enough”. I wholly reject that thought. You ARE good enough. You are absolutely good enough. It may take time to find the person who you click with. But never, ever thing that you aren’t good enough. Your personal worth is not attached to how a relationship works out. What-so-ever.

You are good enough, and you deserve happiness. It may take time. It may take some relationships that don’t work out between now and then. But you will find it. Same goes with finding someone who you can talk to, relate to, and open up to to help with your journey.

I believe in you.


From: Mamadien

It sounds like things have really been rough my friend. It’s hard when friends don’t act like friends and feelings are disregarded and hurt. One thing I’ve learned though is that no one is better than anyone else and we are all individuals. Comparing ourselves to others is a recipe for pain. Please don’t do that. You are uniquely you. You are important. You are valuable. You are loved. You are part of this amazing HS community now. I will tell you that the world is a better place for you being here. You have a purpose. You need to believe that about yourself because it’s true. I hope that you are able to connect with a counselor soon. There is BetterHelp online, perhaps that’s an option for talking with a therapist. Please let us know how you are doing.



Hi Friend, welcome to Heart Support and thank you for posting. I’m sorry that you have been going thru some hard times. Life does change, it changes a lot as a matter of fact. At 54, I’ve seen and experienced a lot. People have come and gone, some stayed. There have been highs and there have been lows, but I think the highs are what have kept me going. I hope that you know that here you are valued and we care about you, I hope you stick around the community. You matter! ~Mystrose


From: eloquentpetrichor

Hello, new friend! Welcome to HeartSupport! We are here and won’t leave. Please come here anytime to vent, rant, or share what is happening with your life :hrtlegolove:

Being in high school and trying to get people to believe you is definitely a struggle sometimes. I hope you can find some help from adults and that even with the waiting list issue you have put yourself on them just in case.

I promise that you are 100% good enough to have friends, a loving partner, companionship, anything and everything you want from life and from other people. Sometimes it can be so difficult to find lasting friendships and relationships in high school and sometimes it can take moving away from your home town and meeting a new set of people to find those you belong with. But I promise you that your people are out there and I believe in your ability to find them. I found most of my people online while at uni and even after. But they are true as can be. It was a long, lonely road at times but finding that companionship with others who are kindred spirits and recognise it in return is an amazing thing. I wish you all the luck in the world in finding your people out in the vast world we live in.

Good luck with everything you have going on and I hope to see more posts from you in the future :hrtlegolove:


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