I can't stand my body

I’m 14, almost 5’0 and I weigh 102 pounds. This might not seem like a lot to anyone and it is a healthy weight but to me I see myself as fat and overweight.

I’ve thought I was too heavy ever since I was 13. Everyone says I’m skinny but I look in the mirror and see a fat, short person. I try not to eat large meals or any meals at all in hopes to be skinny. I would like to lose around 10 pounds or more, which I know is bad but I feel super fat and I don’t know why. I was never pressured as a child or even now to be skinny or that being skinny is my best feature, I just started comparing myself and I now think I’m super heavy. I really wish I could stop feeling like this but I don’t know how to.


Hi Grace Rose

When I was your age I struggled with these same feelings. For me I was bullied. But the bullies would call a lot of girls fat that were not. So when I looked in the mirror, even at my lowest weight, all I saw was fat. I believed it so much, that I was incapable of seeing and realizing how much weight I had lost and how small I had gotten when I was in the 8th grade.

I know that body appreciation is hard to have sometimes. But it’s important to love you and your body. It’s okay to want to be healthy and to want to lose weight for healthy reasons. But comparing ourselves can be one of the most dangerous things we can do. I know it’s easy to compare yourself. Even as an adult I still struggle with that.

But I hope that if it starts to eat at you too much, or you see yourself falling into unhealthy bad habits in order to lose weight, that you will reach out for help form a parent, counselor or teacher.

You are important and you matter. You are valued my friend. And here we want to show you love and support.

It takes a lot of strength and courage to take the steps to learn to love yourself. But do not be afraid to reach out for help if you need to. Okay? There is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of to ask for help.

If you want to be healthy. Drink lots of water. Be careful about how much sugar and sweets you eat. Don’t eat a lot of fast food. Things like soda and coffee try to drink in small portions. Walk and be active. And that there will help you be healthy in a good way.

Much love to you.

  • Kitty
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I know this post is old, but I’m 11 and 5’0 tall and I weigh 120 pounds. Your kinda underweight and I for one think you should eat a little more, so you don’t become too thin. That’s just my opinion, but keep that in mind.