I-consistently-feel-less-than-less-than-everybody - 2433

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Belongs to: HeartSupport_Fans Content #2418
I consistently feel less than. Less than everybody like I’ll never be good enough and it’s killing me! Been dealing with a shit ton of different things ranging from issues with my dad and what I learned from him as a kid and traumas I’ve gone through like my daughter having open heart surgery at 11 months old and my ex kicking me out a week before and then while I’m at the hospital I get a call from my job saying they don’t need me anymore.


I’m sorry that you had to go through so much. Please understand that surviving all that you’ve been through provides evidence that you are not “less than” anyone. In fact, I would say that you have demonstrated incredible strength.

I think that it was a low blow and quite possibly a wrongful termination for your employer to let you go at a time when you are dealing with a health emergency.

I hope that you are in a safe and livable situation now. Please keep us posted on how things are going for you.


@heartsupport I am in a safe place right now. I married a professional therapist… which has not been easy and my daughter is doing great 7 years later! Thank you so much for responding it means so freaking much!


I’m so happy to hear that your daughter is doing well. It was an awful ride during that time of tour life, I can’t imagine how hard it has been to deal with all that trauma. You’ve worked so hard and deserve to celebrate this amazing progress. Having your daughter healthy and having a partner in your life, yes you deserve that!
From bad things there can be seeds planted. They take time to grow and bloom, but when they do, embrace them!


I’m glad to hear your safe and your daughter is doing great! It just shows that through any trials and tribulations that you go through, that you persevered and never gave up!

I’m so proud of you and definitely look forward to hearing more of your success!


Hi Friend,
My Goodness you have been through one heck of a lot haven’t you?
Firstly may I say that its lovely to read that your daughter is doing great! that brings joy to my heart. It must have been so hard back then to manage being a daughter, mother and partner, it seems you couldnt cut a break and yet you battled on and fought your way to a marriage and a daughter who is fighting fit, I don’t think you don’t fit in, I think you are an incredible human being. I dont know you but I am thankful for people like you and proud to read your story. You are more than good enough, you are genuinely awesome. I wish you a happy and peaceful future. Lisa x


@heartsupport Lisa I can’t thank you enough for caring and what heart support continued to do for people! I did end up getting a divorce but I ended up in a lot better situation. Still the marriage I am in now still has its own trauma, however I now finally trying to process what happened and everything that I’ve been holding onto for to many years to count!

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