I could use some help

Ive been living alone for a while now and it’s pretty lonely here. Especially since my job doesn’t really involve talking to or interacting with any actual people, so I can easily go days without really talking to anyone. It’s gotten me pretty down and stressed. I’ve been losing motivation to do the stuff I love. I have a mini studio set up in my room and tried to write something but only got like 20 seconds of an idea before I lost motivation, last night. And I was supposed to play some games with my friends last night too but I didn’t end up hearing from them. So I just turned on some music and laid down on the floor and listened for a while. I don’t really know what’s going on with me? It’s not good. I don’t want to emotionally vomit all my issues on all of you. I just don’t know what to do.


Hey, it sounds like you’re pretty isolated. I’ve found when I’m feeling isolated I lose motivation to do stuff I like because feeling alone gets me down, is it the same for you?
Reach out to your friends and see if you can play some video games tonight or at the weekend?
I’m not sure on covid restrictions where you are, is there anything you can go out and do to meet new people too?


Hi Jaden
Honestly the best way out of this situation is to find a way how to spend more time with people. And not just being with people but being involved in activities with them like playing games. It would be good for you to find some activity that is also stable. Something like DnD every friday or Call of Duty every monday. Anything really.

People get motivated to do things by interacting with other people. It is hard to explain how it works but it does. Without others we rarely have as much motivation.

Take care



Hi Jaden
Good to meet you, like the others have said although you get to a point where the motivation starts to waver and you just cant be bothered to do the things you would normally do, that is the time when you really do need to do them. You are isolating yourself and that’s fine if you are happy with that but you are not and thankfully you have recognized that and now you can do something about it even if its just for an hour or two maybe get out of the house with friends or have them over, it will be a breath of fresh air, something new to focus on and even if you don’t look forward to it, you will be glad you did it I’m sure of that. I spend 90% of my time alone so I do know where you are coming from.
I hope you can start to feel a little less stressed and a bit more motivated and if you want to talk anymore we are always here to listen.
Much Love
Lisa :heart:

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Are there any Twitch streamers that you like? You can find someone streaming your favorite game and ease your way into the community. I spend 24/7 at home and while there is one other person here, I spend a ton of time with the community I’m involved in. Usually, there is a Discord server to join where you can get to know everyone and make friends.

Now a days there are a lot of online multiplayer games where you can meet people and lots of online dating too. You gotta put yourself out there, ya know?

One thing I absolutely get triggered bad at is when someone says they will “be there” at a certain time and they don’t show up. It took me a long time to realize that I don’t have to wait for them, I can do it myself or do something different.

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Thanks everyone. I’ve tried reaching out a few times, it just seems like everyone is so busy with the stuff they’ve got going on? Which I get. Schedules don’t always align, I just wish they did.


What about online friends, could you set up a video call or something? While it isn’t going out, it’s still interacting. In the mean time I’d encourage you to see what’s going on locally, if there’s any groups you can go to to make new friends or something?


If it is difficult to find an open timeslot with your friends, another idea might be to see if there is a volunteer opportunity or interest group in your community that resonates with you. Sometimes I find that focusing on a shared interest or helping others can help direct the focus away from internal feelings of isolation. That being said, I think it’s safe to say that virtually everyone has had decreased social contact these days, so please be understanding with yourself if the process is gradual or doesn’t proceed as rapidly as you’d prefer.

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