I d rather die then speak

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to The Tale of Jenny and Screech by Ren
I’d rather die then speak

Hi there,

I understand that opening up about something terrible it’s so hard, especially when you don’t have people you feel safe to tell those things. But there are people who would listen to you than seeing you dead, and who care about you and your story. You are always welcomed in the Heartsupport’s community.

I wish you the best!

@@HeartSupport thnx but it also just feels un-masculine too talk about that stuff

Society says so, but it’s very wrong. We are all humans and we all feel the same at some point. There are so many men that shared their struggles and it did not make them weak, but it gave them the chance to open up and to get the help they needed, and even more it encouraged even more men to get help. Have you tried going to therapy? Seeking a professional might really help you.
Personally no matter the gender, i think it’s very brave to open up about such things, because it can be terrifying to let yourself feel vulnerable but it’s so needed. Imagine a glass of water, you keep adding drops, but at some point it will give out.

@@HeartSupportno I’ve not tried therapy, but I’ve spoken to few close friends about it but not family. I don’t want them thinking it’s their fault for my stupid feelings and mental state

I’m glad to hear that you have some close friends that you could talk to, see, you are not alone in this. I understand that talking to family is not at all easy, especially when you don’t want them to blame themselves, but they might even be able to help you. What you feel is valid and you deserve to get help.
I hope you will manage to do what’s best for you!