I don’t know what to title this lol

Long story short, I started my period and this does not help my weakened mental health at all. It causes me physical pain and nausea, that almost feels unbearable. I am overly emotional and sensitive every time and things get overwhelming way too easily. I am kind of shaking right now too, yey, great.

I also got my feelings invalidated once again, lol. I was trying to talk about something regarding my feelings and finally opening up a bit more to this person but got stuff like “Well, I cried today” or “no one takes me seriously” in response. This is exactly why I do not like letting people in and showing them what’s inside my head. It always ends with me getting invalidated. Yes, I’m happy the person trusts me enough to tell me about their issues. But just sometimes I would like some support too. I have a feeling this relationship to the person is slowly becoming a toxic one, because of all their issues. A lot of our conversations are about their issues and I usually do not have a problem with that. It’s the sudden change of topics, that bothers me. We could be talking about something completely unrelated and suddenly, they bring their mental health up and I need to comfort them. But I can’t just walk away either, because I love them a lot. It’s hard. For both me and them, I think.

I’m sorry, this became more of a rant on accident. I will try to somehow calm myself and hopefully stop shaking.


Hello there @HeresA.Gun.KillMePlease, that’s awful how your feelings were dismissed and invalidated, no one deserves that. If you can, try to tell this person how you feel about their words and actions, it will help you feel a lot better if they know how you feel. Just remember that you’re always supported here and no one will ever invalidate or dismiss how you feel, and you don’t ever have to apologize for ranting, that’s what we’re here for. Hold fast my friend.

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Hey friend,

I’m sorry you’re going through a rough time. Still grateful you feel safe enough to share about it here though. Please don’t be sorry for getting things off your chest. That’s totally okay.

Long story short, I started my period and this does not help my weakened mental health at all. It causes me physical pain and nausea, that almost feels unbearable. I am overly emotional and sensitive every time and things get overwhelming way too easily.

Ugh. My heart goes out to you. This is such a struggle for many of us. I have premenstrual syndrom, which makes me a LOT more sensitive and vulnerable during my period and the week before. So half of the month I have to endure physical pain, an increase of sudden tears and suicidal thoughts. As you said… “yey, great”. That just sucks honestly, and I’m sorry you have to deal with intense pain and nausea. The only “good” news is that it’s predictable, so you may take some actions in the future to lessen those symptoms. Essential oils for example can have wonderful effects, if used with caution/the right way. Maybe something to look after?

A lot of our conversations are about their issues and I usually do not have a problem with that. It’s the sudden change of topics, that bothers me. We could be talking about something completely unrelated and suddenly, they bring their mental health up and I need to comfort them.

It sounds that your friend is very self-centered - which is not a shame, and often happens when we’re struggling. But you also feel that there’s some balance to find and not every conversation can be about their difficulties. You’re their friend, but not their therapist. As you deeply care and love them, I’d say it could be very productive for both of you to have a honest conversation about this. In a calm and loving way of course. If that love is mutual, then you can certainly create a space that would be safe for both of you. A space filled with mutual understanding and honesty. It might be difficult for your friend to understand what you mean without feeling offended, but I’m sure you’re able to convey your perspective in a loving way. That’s also how friendships grow stronger.

In any case, you deserve to be heard too. Maybe it just won’t be by this person specifically. Some people are not available or able to listen for some reason. Though it doesn’t mean that what you feel isn’t important and it really sucks to feel ignored or invalidated. But maybe that person is just not the right one for those kind of conversations, at least not at the moment.

I’m sending hugs your way, hoping you’ll feel a little better in times to come and that your body will give you a break. :hrtlegolove:

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