I don't know what to do or how to feel

My year long relationship just fell through and I don’t know how to feel, I feel sad but relieved there was so much I loved and hated about it. Now all I want to do is talk to them to someone but no one is there.


Hi there, please feel free to share tour thoughts here!
Heading to bed now, but I would love to read about your thoughts when next I’m here!

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That’s the problem I have no idea how to put anything into words


Are yoiu into art?
How best would you like to express it?

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I was a few years ago. Right now all I want is to be held and fall asleep but that’s not an option.


Spend a bit of time “free writing,” which is to put words on a page, without regard for sentence structure or how the words fit together. It’s more like stringing together a series of impressions as the mind connects feelings to events. It doesn’t have to make sense in the usual way. You might want to put the page down (or electronic file), and not look at it for a day or so. When you come back to it, it will probably trigger insights that really can help process the sadness, or at least make it understandable and expressible.


I’ve done that before, but right now my mind is empty blank lost confused disconnected

It’s okay @whyorwhynot. Putting words on your experience and making connections between your emotions and the situation can be done anytime. With this kind of event and grief, there are moments when the heart takes all the space, and others when our mind can rationalize a little more. If right now is all about feeling, then that’s fine. A separation is a shock to process little by little, piece by piece. Make sure to take care of yourself for now, to be comfortable where you are - a warm blanket, cozy music, warm coffee/tea - anything that helps to soothe yourself in a healthy way. You are hurting for very valid reasons and you deserve to treat yourself well right now.

I promise you that you are not alone right now. We are sitting right next to you, even if virtually. Your heart will learn to heal at its very own pace and we will keep standing with you, listening to you. :hrtlegolove:


Thank you… There’s not much I can say or do right now. I just feel confused about everything.


That’s okay, friend. You are processing something difficult. There’s the shock of realizing news that you didn’t expect. Confusion is the most human reaction we can have during that kind of moment. I promise you though, it won’t be always like this. Even if it feels very difficult to even imagine that possibility, there will be one day when you will back at this moment right now, and you’ll be proud of how much you have grown and accomplished until then. There are experiences that make us feel like our entire world is collapsing and nothing makes sense anymore. You will learn to find clarity again, little by little. You will learn to walk again, little by little. And we’ll be here to support you all along.

Here’s a song to hopefully encourage you a little bit tonight. Thank you for sharing the gift of your vulnerability today. There is strength in the fact you are reaching out here. Even when it’s to say that you can’t find the words. :hrtlegolove:

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Hi friend.
Firstly, I would like to thank you for reaching out; it takes so much strength and I am so proud of you. Expressing your thoughts and putting words to your emotions can take time. It is completely normal to feel a mix of emotions while processing something difficult. Be gentle with yourself during this time, friend and this too shall pass. You are heard, seen, and loved unconditionally.


I just want to echo the sentiment in this thread.

You are loved more than you know.

Let it naturally guide you through this process. It is a process, and with support, you absolutely can get thru this.

Keep your head up when you have the clarity to do so and reach out when you need support. We’re all here for you, if only virtually.

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