I don't really know how do i feel. Maybe I just feel nothing ? I think like part of me is missing or is just dead. And I don't know what to do

I don’t know if I even have feelings. I just feel empty and I can’t say anyone how do I really feel and it makes me sick. I really want to say how do I feel but I just can’t, something inside me stops me and have no words, nothing to say. And my friends are kinda sad because we are friends for 4 years, and they are feeling like they don’t know me. After 4 years ! They think, that I don’t belive them (I was bullied few years ago, so I do have a problem with beliving to other people) but I do, I really belive them , but I can’t describe how do I feel… Maybe I’m to scared open up to people. Idk.

*Sorry for bad english

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Dear Xeanel,

Thank you for being brave enough to share your burden with us! We are so happy you made the effort to open up to us. We are here for you and want to help.
Know that trusting people can be very hard for lots of people. You are not alone in that. Also know that telling your friends that it is hard for you to trust them because of your past is totally fine. Ask them for help! If they truly care about you they will want to do whatever they can to help.
I hope you gain the trust to open up to your friends. We love you and are here for you!

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I know how you feel right now. When you just dont know how to feel anymore because so much is going on. That is okay. Trust is a very important thing and being opened to share who you are with people helps them understand you more. I recommend always to be honest my friend.

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