I feel left behind

I see my friends who equally struggle as much as I do in life but they work jobs they go to school or they have projects they work on and I just feel so behind on everything I see my friends getting in relationships and or anything positive and I’m just stuck I’m stuck feeling like this is my existence just live at home most days only ever coming outta my goblin den to maybe go have a small conversation with the one other trans person I know in town who’s a cashier or to walk down to the grocery store to buy food that I ultimately use to silence my emotions I wonder what would happen if my high school had a reunion and for some reason I showed up what would there be to me that’s changed I’d probably look semi more feminine I might show up in a skirt but compared to the other people I grew up with the kids who had the ability to go to college to be able to succeed would I still be the same queer punk weirdo who talks politics online cuz she can’t feel like her voice is gonna be heard in person am I even gonna be alive to see that am I gonna be in a different state trying to survive hoping that one day I can exist without the fear of having someone accuse me of being a pervert or have people throw slurs at me or act differently just cuz I’m visably queer I feel stuck and stunted and like I’m always lagging behind my peers…


My heart goes out to you, feelings like these are so hard to shake. Especially when we are constantly reminded of our place in life by comparing ourselves to others around us.

Your journey is yours and yours alone. Nothing anyone else does will ever take away from your life and who you are and all you have accomplished. I know it may not feel like much, but you are here. You are taking things day by day and you are getting through even with these overwhelming feelings. I think that alone is a huge accomplishment.

I spent a good decade of my life feeling behind. I felt stuck mentally, while I watched everyone around me leading healthy, happy, “normal” lives, I felt so behind from them because I was struggling daily with simply living with myself. Through lots of outside help, mainly therapy and meds, I am finally in a place where I feel okay with where I’m at and who I am.

I only share this to let you know that you are not alone. You are valuable and worthy just the way you are, and comparing your journey to other peoples’ journeys is like comparing apples to oranges. You can’t compare two things that don’t even correlate or are nothing alike. You are here today, living, breathing, making it to the next day and that is incredible!

I encourage you to practice self love and self care, only so you can see the true value of yourself and so you can get one step closer to self acceptance. Have compassion on yourself and take comfort in knowing that you being simply you is enough. We are here for you and we are proud of you :hrtlegolove:

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Hey my Friend,
thank you for sharing again with us.
try not to compare your own journey with others. it is YOUR life, and you decide your own pace for that.
this is easier said then done, but you are not alone in this.
i struggle a lot in recent times, and it feels for me like that i start right away. while others also proceed in
life. i felt so overwhelmed lately again with everything, but everything will come to place when its time.
be patient and go the step further when you are ready for it. YOU decide. you matter most !
also remind yourself that progress is not every time forward, sometimes it needs a little step aside or
even a step back to focus again, to learn.
take your time now, you will enjoy it later even more. YOU are the music, while music lasts.
Feel loved and hugged, you are loved my friend, you are worth it and you deserve everything good,