I feel like all my friends don't want me because I'm not fully verbal

I’m only semi verbal, I’m trying to work on getting better at talking, but I feel like none of my friends are there for me. I recently had to leave an online community that I hung out with all the time, but they would never read chat and I just always felt ignored. The real topper was when I joined a game with my friends, and someone said “Great now I have to read chat” That really just broke my heart, and I left the community and game that night. I just am really sad and hurt that they treated me that way.


Hi @TheQuietKelsey

I’m so, so sorry that the people in that community treated you like that. It’s not fair at all and I hope that you know that you are a valued member of this community. We care about you and want you to feel safe and accepted.

Hope to see you in stream :hrtlegolove:


oh my dear one,

I am so incredibly sorry that you had to experience that kind of pain. It was completely unfair & unkind of them to do that to you. Years ago, I was part of an online community that was a struggle for me to leave. When I left, I debated on going back because it was such a big part of my life & I couldn’t imagine my life without it. But, after some time…I found healthier communities to join, like HeartSupport. That community was so toxic, I am still struggling with ideals & thoughts that were imprinted on me at the time. I felt like I had to prove myself to some of the leaders & ‘role models’ of the community. I had to change my way of thinking & understanding of what a healthy, good community looks like.

I hope you find a community that loves & supports you…hopefully, HeartSupport but if you need something else. I hope that it accepts you just as you are & doesn’t want to change you to what they think is the one way. I am your cheerleader. You got this. You are capable of SO MANY THINGS!

You are strong. You are valid. You are important. You matter.

-StarFox :yellow_heart:



It is so heartbreaking to be rejected for something that isn’t in your control. It is unfair and really only shows how much these people are, unfortunately, ignorant regarding mutism. It is not something you choose and it brings, in itself, so much guilt already. Having people around you pointing out fingers at you as if you were guilty for struggling is just not okay. I’m so very sorry that they reacted that way. I wonder honestly if they would do the same with someone who is completely mute or even blind or with a more “accepted” handicap.

I hope you never lose sight of the fact that you are enough and beautiful just as you are. It’s not you who has to change for others, it’s the world around you that needs more education and to become more welcoming, more inclusive. We have so many tools to communicate these days and it’s truly a shame to keep valuing vocal interactions above other types. It’s okay to use what feels comfortable and safe for you. I’m right there with you on the struggle bus with selective mutism and I can assure you that you are not alone. You are loved just as you are, whether you interact with spoken words or not. Your emotional safety goes beyond everything else. :hrtlegolove:

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