I feel like I'm losing (TW)

College is so much work that I’ve gotten so exaughsted. I looked at my grade in one of my classes today and it was at 49%. They said I can turn in some stuff and I did the wrong test so it didn’t count. Thing is I would but I’m so fucking tired. All my energy is just leaving my body. I can’t take this shit anymore. I can’t fail but I’m so tired. I keep contemplating suicide if I fail. No point in going on if I can’t even keep up.


Hey @anon14688970 ,
College is tough. My sister went to nursing school. She almost failed in her last semester and quit because my dad had an affair and my mom was falling apart. But she still graduated. Why don’t you take a break? You can’t do 100% if you aren’t AT 100%. Take care of yourself, set some time aside to relax. I know its hard. I know it’s stressful. But you can do it. It’s okay not to be okay, but don’t let your dreams fade. Believe in yourself. You’re worth it. :slight_smile:


Dear @anon14688970,

College is extremely draining and overwhelming. I’m so sorry that it has drained so much of your energy lately, to the point of thinking about disappearing. Your exhaustion is real and understandable, but I can assure you that none of this would ever be worth taking your life away.

College is hard and the outcomes are important, but it’s not going to condition your life as much as it seems. The process itself is made of many days and steps to follow in order to progress. This grade you received doesn’t define you. It doesn’t define your capacities either, especially since you are very tired these days. There’s some context here that has to be acknowledged, so you can focus on your most fundamental needs right now.

In times to come, make sure to take care of yourself, friend. Do things you like, things that are healthy and would help you recharge both physically and emotionally. Breathe, enjoy things that are simple and are not draining to you. It may seem like a waste of time at first, but you can actually see that as a needed investment in… you! Because for college, you are your very first resource. Taking care of yourself, especially when you feel exhausted, is a priority.

Regarding your studies specifically, do you think you could receive some help from other students and/or your teachers eventually? Are there any study groups that other students would schedule sometimes? Overall, if you feel like you’re slowly falling behind and the assignments/classes are too demanding, please don’t hesitate to talk about it to a counselor at your college. It’s okay to ask for help, tips, support of all kinds, especially from people who are used to be in the same environment as yours. In any case, it’s important not to stay alone with your struggles. You have the capacity to progress and get the grades you want, but it doesn’t have to be at the cost of your mental health. One step at a time, friend. :hrtlegolove:


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