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Belongs to: Therapist and Vocalist react to One By Metallica
I feel like this every day,
This is a topic from YOUTUBE. Reply as normal, and we will post it to the user on YouTube.
Belongs to: Therapist and Vocalist react to One By Metallica
I feel like this every day,
I just want you to know that I’m so happy you are here and that you reached out. We are here to support you in whatever you are going through. Feelings of hopelessness and despair can get better when we support and encourage one another and we’d love to hear your story if you’re willing to share. Opening up is the difficult first step but it can offer so much relief when we realize there are people out there who understand. Just like hearing a song that resonates with us and we feel validated. You are not alone and we’re here for you!
The weight of depression is something that feels like it never truly goes away. Sometimes even on my best days I feel like my depression is just peeping over my shoulder and reminding me of all my failures and faults. The darkness can feel overpowering and leaves us immobilized and unable to get any better.
I want you to know that I have felt the overwhelming grief and hurt that you are feeling, I have felt like I am nothing but my sadness. The truth is that I am still actively and daily battling with myself and battling against my thoughts. I have found that life isn’t about suddenly being happy again, suddenly becoming “ourselves” again, but is about the highs and lows. As someone who has hit rock bottom, to feel joy and laugh until my stomach hurt are things that I am able to experience and appreciate so much more than if I hadn’t been there before.
Your suffering is not for no purpose. The lessons and resilience that await for you will be beautiful. I have found that my struggles have helped me to empathize and help those around me in ways I had never been able to, and in ways I never would’ve expected.
I know this feeling will not last forever, but while it does I am here for you. You are loved, valuable, and it is a joy that you were born and are here today. You are not alone <3
I’ve been there too, feeling so overwhelmed by the weight of suffering that you feel immobile. Like it’s impossible to move, speak, or even pick yourself up to walk through the day. I know how that feels, and you are not alone in that darkness.
Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing, that takes a lot of courage and your perseverance to survive is proof that your life is valuable and you deserve to live. It’s so hard to cling to hope when we feel completely useless and abandoned. Like what is there to hope for? It may seem like there is nothing to celebrate, but I believe that the breath in your lungs right now is reason enough to have hope for tomorrow.
I don’t know when this season of suffering will end for you, my friend, and I wish with all my heart I could pluck you right out of it and spare you from your pain. But life is difficult sometimes, and often it’s devastating. What do we do with that? In my own struggles, I try to cling to the truths that do exist: I am NOT worthless, I am NOT alone in this, and I am NOT doomed to failure. These same truths resound in your life as well, even when it’s hard to see.
Thank you for being here and choosing to survive, my friend. I know that joy is waiting somewhere beyond this pain you feel, and your endurance right now is proof that you are worth all the pain, and you are not defined by it. I’m praying for you right now, my friend, and I am sending you all my love in this moment.