I feel so worthless and lazy

it feels like my parents hate me. I honestly don’t think they’d care if I was gone and no one else would either. I pretty much only have one friend and I can’t see her. even if I could, I know my parents wouldn’t let me. anytime I speak to them they yell at me or make me feel less-than. so I stay in my room all day. I have no motivation to do anything, and so I lay in bed. I just feel worthless. my parents constantly make jokes at my expense, and when I say things about it they play the victim. I’m so tired and honestly, I just want to die because I know they will never change. there’s a lot more but I don’t think I could put it all here or even remember it.

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Hey. That sounds horrible. But I get what it’s like to have bad parents. Mine have been really harmful to me, and my mom is not letting me talk to friends either, so you’re not alone. And let me say, I’m so proud of you for saying something about it. I don’t have the guts to really ask for help, but I’m happy you’re taking the first step. I really hope you get through this. I have a hard time believing this too, but you don’t have to let them control everything. Even if they play the victim, try not to let them get to you. You should stand up for yourself, and your parents are going to have to deal with the mess they started. But to start, maybe don’t confront them, but do little things. If they need you for something, refuse. Take a step back from them and eventually they’ll learn they can’t keep treating you like this. You are loved, okay? Please remember that.

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