I feeling atascated

Hello to the entire :heart: Heartsupport community. Greetings to all, I am a young man from Venezuela and I wrote this because I feel stuck in a moment or situation in which I don’t see a clear way out beyond the self-destructive thoughts I may have. years and did not achieve anything, I have not traveled to another country, did not go to concerts, did not meet my favorite band even (just immobile in white) that only because of one of so many other things affected … I feel that every day that life passes It escapes me even though I am occupying my mind Designing a flyer or something similar … I do not want to reach the age of 30 or 40 and sit and think about what could have been and was not !! I suffer from strong depressions that leave me quite ill, I have anxiety that generates stress and panic attacks. I want to vent what my demons have been doing for me for a long time! I feel like I’m just an empty body walking around, walking aimlessly … I want to do something with the music, record a series, edit videos, something that has to do with that medium since it is something that I am passionate about … My biggest dream is to meet Immobile in white, both Ricky Horror and Chris immobile have been strong sources of inspiration for me, a reason to get up every day … My financial situation is bad and I would like you to help me by recommending some online business that allows me improve my economy which is partly what affects me also because I see how others already have family, have migrated to other places or have moved and made their lives … And I look at myself even at my parents’ house, without not achieving yet … It is frustrating and it makes me sick to think about it … At one point suicidal thoughts came to haunt my head. I did not try anything but I was nowhere to do it. !! Sorry for my clumsiness when writing this but I don’t have a script and I write how the words come out. I feel a little more relieved to vent this, it is a summary of what I am feeling at the moment …


First of all - super welcome to the community, and thank you for posting here! It’s hard when you see others around you, those you grew up with or know very well, and compare your life to theirs. It can really make it seem like you “should be” this or that, when in reality you are in an OK place yourself and just can’t yet see it. None of us can see into the future, which really sucks, but the reality is many of us are continually “finding” our purpose in life - for me even at 35! I don’t know that I have any tips for online businesses, but have you listened to any podcasts on making money online? I really like Smart Passive Income w/ Pat Flynn - Insightful conversations with online business pros, industry experts, and more – Smart Passive Income !

Also - can I just say how much this phrasing resonated with me? For me suicidal ideations were very much a haunting in my head, and I’ve never heard anyone describe it so aptly! I’m very glad you were strong enough to push through those. It can be incredible hard to do so. <3

Thanks again for the post, and welcome to the community! We’re glad to have you here!


From: bitemarque

I know that it can seem like if you don’t accomplish everything by 30 then it’s all over, but there are lots of people that didnt even start the thing they ultimately succeeded at until 50 or even later. It’s never to late to do the things you love.


From: mommafoxfire

building off what Bite posted, here’s a great link: https://twentytwowords.com/biggest-successes-late-in-life/


Hello, woow.!! Thanks for this… It’s really great and I love it. All that you say is correct,… No i have heard about that but I can watch the page, thanks so much for you input, really you help me haha :’) if you wanna, we can agg on Facebook, if you wanna…

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Yeah depressive moment are so bad and I hate when this happens, now, this is not
very frequent but i tried to be better in all that I make, thanks MommaFoxFire… You’re great

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Yeah I know, it’s… I don’t know, the feeling is bad and depresses me in a little moments!! But yeah, you have reason in that you say.! Thanks for this :heart:

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Thanks you for this, is very import to me :heart:

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