I finally have a DATE....for therapy that is

So after almost a year of putting it off i finally have an appointment scheduled. April 26th is the planned date to start. Idk how this is going to go tho with iron infusions and work but hopefully i can make it work.

But hey that first step is finally complete.


Hi Andy,
that makes my day. thank you for sharing that.
this is the most important, and also the most difficult step.
better putting it off, then pudding off. you did that, you have your appointment.
it will help afterwards, it will help to talk about everything in life. you can make a list with short notes what you would
like to have off your chest, i do that from time to time to take that with me into therapy.
you do great, i am proud of you and so we are here :purple_heart: you are loved and you matter most.
feel hugged

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That’s really great, Andy!

You’re going to do just fine, some offices will do virtual sessions if for some reason you can’t make it, so if that happens ask about that.

If there is one thing I could tell you about therapy its this. Be honest, open minded and remember that the therapist can only help you with what you tell them, so try really hard to not hold anything back (I know that’s hard, but trust me, it will be rewarding for you). They might give you things to work on at home and it’s very important that you do your best to do those things. It’s part of the whole process.

The first few sessions are basically “get to know each other” sessions and sometimes it takes a few sessions to actually feel comfortable, so give yourself some grace there and I promise this will be a good thing for you.

I’m so proud of you for making this appointment, Andy!

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Andy, wow! That was a big decision and one I know took some courage to follow through on. You have had so many things going on (as you said). We know within ourselves that we need to do something different, but we aren’t sure we really want to due to fear of what will be. And it can make you feel stuck. You’re concerned about scheduling conflicts and time, and that can create it’s own stress.

So now you have followed through and made the appointment - I encourage you to stay the course friend because this first step is the hardest to take. It’s the old “an object at rest tends to stay at rest, and an object in motion stays in motion” thing. You have started moving on this and now you can truly direct your path because of it. (it’s hard to steer a car that is parked, but if it’s moving…) I am cheering you on for doing this for yourself and your wellbeing. So I’ll ask - how can we support you through this next month until the appointment?