I finally heard what i want to hear

i know nobody cares but after a really long time my dad said he loved me last night. and im a firm believer in god so when he walked out my room after he said it i just looked up at my ceiling crying and said “thank you” with a genuine smile on my face. i havent smiled for real in so long and that was just glory from above when my dad told me


That awesome man, I’m sure there plenty of people do care about you !!!


Hey Friend! The Houston HeartSupport Team responded to your post here is the link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tSH9olBEnTAVRAXC6RED8usOxH0BJvkD/view?usp=sharing

Hold Fast!
Morgan Vincent Hochstetler


Hey friend,

That’s beautiful. I’m sure this smile that you had was one of the most beautiful that ever existed. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful spark of joy with us here.

Also, I wanted to remind you that we care about you. Sometimes we struggle so much that it feels like no one cares… but how we feel isn’t always true. And I can tell, just right here, people care about you. You’re part of this online family.

Take care, friend. You are loved dearly. :hrtlegolove:

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Hey there,

I am glad your faith is standing strong. Glad your dad told you that he loved you. I love you as well.

Take care, friend.

Zephirah / Andrea