I got better

I did not expect that i ever say this, but im so much better.
I severely struggled for good 3 years and didn’t want to except help. Eventually I got help myself, went to a ward and now I’m still in therapy but im so much better. I was at a point where I wanted to take my own life and tried several times but now I’m back in life and have a good strategy to process everything. I’m so thankful for the chance that was given me.
I just want you to know that if you’re struggling and it may seem pointless it can get better and it will. Stay safe. <33


Thank you so much for sharing these updates! I am beyond grateful to read how things are going for you, and even more that you are in a much better place now, emotionally speaking. You have found a strength that has always been within you, and it was very brave of you to accept to be helped when you needed it the most. Well done, friend. You’re on the right path, and you’re setting for yourself a bright future.

Much love to you. :hrtlegolove:


Thanks for sharing and showing hope! Thats so great<3 im glad you bave stayed with us friend. So glad working to get better has paid off for you!! <3

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Thank you so much

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Thank you so much .