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Belongs to: Therapist wishes you were here. (Pink Floyd)
I had a breakup after 5 years int relationship and after 3 months still feel lost and she was who went through things with and I think what makes the breakup harder is she is who would have supported me through hard times and she is gone.
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Sorry to hear about the breakup. Break ups are difficult. You invest a lot into these relationships. Time, money, love. I want to encourage you to find a group to surround yourself with. I don’t know if you attend a church, but I would encourage you to find a church or set up a time to meet with a pastor. Talk through the breakup. I would also encourage you (if you are able to) to get some therapy to help with the processing. Talking to people and helping the process will help you heal. When you have that time to heal and you find others to talk to and discuss life with, you’ll have that network around you to help you through those hard times. I’m thankful for my friends and church family and how much they have helped me through some very dark times in my life. Don’t worry, you’ve got this! I believe in you and there are others here at Heart Support that believe in you.