I hate my bpd

Hello! It’s me again to whoever is reading this, I have a favorite person BPD and that person is one of my teachers. I can’t go 5 minutes without thinking about her. I hate this feeling because it is not normal. I just want to hurt myself whenever I feel like this. But I know that will make her sad and I don’t want her to be sad. I just really wish I didn’t have to deal with this kinda stuff because it is so mentally exhausting I don’t know how much more of this I can take.


Hey @Alie

BPD does suck and it IS mentally exhausting. I go thru that crap all the time. I have a favorite person right now and I know it and I’m keeping my distance because I’m aware of what I’m going thru. I want you to watch this video, because I learned a lot from it about this. I think you will get a ton out of it.
We can talk about it if you choose to watch it after :hrtlegolove:


Is this one of your current teachers? Usually I’d suggest putting some space between you and your FP but that might be difficult in your situation



Hey :slight_smile: just wondering if you listened to the video and if you did what you thought. If you didn’t listen to it, its perfectly ok too :hrtlegolove:

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ive already tried im just too sensitive about it

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Yes i did i thought it was a little helpful!

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