I hate surprises

That is good. Dont worry. I had been born prematurely and had to be in hospital for a while too. I dont remember any of it :grin:. It is however inmortant to be with her. I hope she will come home soon :slightly_smiling_face:.


I was also born early - almost 3 months. I weighed 2lbs 3oz. We’re about to go see her again to talk to a specialist who can hopefully help her.


I hope it all goes well :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks, same here. Fingers crossed.


I spoke to the doctor today and Kiera won’t be coming home this week. To top things off we can’t visit her with this winter storm coming through.


I’m so sorry, @Sapphire. This sucks - and that is such an understatement. How do you feel, friend? How are you holding up? :hrtlegolove:

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Not good.

I’ve been struggling to keep my blood pressure down due to the pre-eclampsia which didn’t resolve itself when Kiera was born. I actually toyed with the idea of going back to the hospital yesterday but roads were terrible.

And I’m kinda tired of having my hopes up that she will come home only to be told the opposite the next day. It still takes a lot out of me to make the trip to the hospital and now they want us to spend all day up there with her. When the weather gets better anyway.

I’m just tired. I need more time to rest a heal, I’ve literally been moving and taking care of things since the day I left the hospital, 2 days after my surgery. Not even mentioning the dangerously high blood pressure.


Well, more surprises. Kiera appears to have had a minor bleed in her brain - they gave her an ultrasound to see if anything would explain why she’s having trouble eating. They are also having a gastroenterologist come see her tomorrow because she has been throwing up. Part of me hopes that once they figure out why she has been throwing up she may finally start eating. The other part of me is just over all of this and I just want to take her home.


This is so much to deal with. I’m really hoping that your little one will feel better as soon as possible. All fingers crossed. She is a true warrior, and there is no doubt that she can feel all the strength, love and energy that you gather for her.

Can you see her during the weekend?

I’m sending all the love to you, your partner and her. :hrtlegolove:


Yes, I can see her on weekends. My father is coming from out of state today to see her and we are going to meet him there.


I can’t imagine in how much stress you must be in. I hope everything ends up well for you and for Kiera.

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I’m taking myself back to the hospital. My blood pressure is still really high and I’ve had a headache for ages. Yesterday got bad chills, usually I like it cold in the house but no matter how high we turn the heater I can’t stop shivering. So bad in hurts. And I started getting muscle spasms and my lymph nodes are swollen (I don’t have a fever, ironically). So yea. Fun times.


sounds like a good plan to get checked out. Hoping that this week brings a lot of good progress for you and Kiera!


I hope you will get better and Kiera will be alright. Wishing you both luck :heart:

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Really hoping that everything will be okay for you, friend. You’re in my thoughts. :hrtlegolove:


I collapsed at the hospital when the doctors were giving me a chest x ray. I don’t know how long I was out. Waiting to see if they admit me. My head hurts so bad.


Goodness, what a day that you’re having. I hope they’re going to admit you even just for some observation and make sure everything is okay.

Have they shared any lead/idea regarding what’s going on?

Send much love to you.


Not yet. No idea. They think it’s my heart.


sending you as much healing vibes and good thoughts as I can. Hope they can figure out what’s going on soon!


I hope they will find what cause soon. I hope its nothing serious. I wish you fast recovery. :heart: