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Belongs to: Therapist translates guttural metal
I have a Therapist and an on meds but nothing changes. I don’t Deserve any Help I’ve tried to get. Guess im right knowing my Worthless life Doesn’t Matter.
The devil is a liar. You do matter more than you know and you have a purpose. You were created by design by a God that loves and cares for you. The most difficult battle we face everyday is the one between our ears in our heads, all the mind games the devil tries to play. I have felt many time like I don’t deserve anything from God because of what I have done. God’s love is amazing because we don’t have to do anything to earn it he love and cares for us as we are. I don’t personally know you but I love you too as Christ loves you and I am praying for you. I think one of the best lyrics in the new ABR song Exhumed is “My demons die today”. We have to make the choice to silence them every day and in Jesus name you can!
If nothing changes, have you considered identifying wherein the problem lies?
Are these issues you face external, meaning there are variables you can change to better your situation?
Or are these problems internal, like secretly feeling the need to punish yourself or self destructive tendencies?
Do you feel like you deserve to feel the way that you do? Do you feel pushed to the point you want to “leave”, or do you think that is what you deserve?
These questions are hard and may sound harsh and I do not know your situation whatsoever. I also am not trained to give support on these issues, much less ones I have context of.
But it sounds like to me that if nothing changes despite seeking professional help as well as medication, then part of yourself is not letting anything change for whatever reason.
Something to consider.
Nonetheless, that sounds really rough man. And if you truly want to get better, I hope you find a way.