I just don't know anymore

(BTW sorry for my English) Past 2 months I feel like this every day I wake up I feel like a zombie I just don’t care if I wake up and I hate my life look at my life I’m going be 21 in 3 months and I’m just nothing like a zombie all I do is sat at my desk and be a content creator I like doing that it’s probably only thing I like doing ATM, if I’m not doing streaming or YT I feel like I’m nothing and sometimes I just want to be normal but I know that’s hard because I have learning difficulties that hard to deal with day to day basis some people say they get bully at school like everyone does but I feel like I will get bullied for rest of my life because I hard time saying some words, I don’t tell anyone about my issue because I don’t want to put my issues onto someone else and ATM I just keep going but I feel like losing it slowly.


From: SageFantasy

I feel like exploring being more comfortable with vulnerability and open about whatever learning disabilities this individual may have will lead to support and encouragement for self love.

I’m not a creative person in the slightest, but man, waking up every day wishing you hadn’t… That’s been me for the last week or 2. I literally go to bed every night hoping that I don’t wake up and almost having a breakdown when I realise I did. I spend most of my day sleeping if I’m not working because it beats being awake.
You’re not alone.

Hold Fast

i hated my life too… it was such an isolated lonely time and no matter how close someone was in my life, the void of darkness between me and them was bigger then any canyon on earth. But it didnt last. I started learning to look at other people and where they were in life and how i could love them. that was the beginning of how i learned to start loving myself. When that took root i stopped caring about what others thought or (what I thought others think about me) i claimed my ground in life and stood on it. its not easy and it does take time. But the MAIN thing is you are not alone and i will help carry your burdens with you as much as i can. i cannot fix everything but i can be here and hurt with you until we join together in sun. there is light and hope ahead.

@ThebritishAvenger Hey friend, I’m sorry that you’ve been feeling this way recently. I know what it feels like to feel empty day in and day out, so in this aspect I understand where you are coming from and you are not alone.

So, I want to share a personal story with you right now. I’ve been streaming on Twitch for almost 6 months now, and only have a handful of followers. To someone on the outside looking in, it may look like I’m not having much of an impact when in fact the opposite is true. I have a close community of a handful of people right now and we support each other in a very loving way. So I want to share that with you because I was surprised at the impact I am able to have with just my small, rough channel and I want to let you know that even though it may SEEM like you’re not doing anything, you’re making a difference that you’re not yet seeing and I want to encourage you to keep going.

BEYOND that, I want you to know that you are worth it just for being who you are and you have worth just for being here. Regardless of what you believe about what you believe you can or can’t do, your life has worth just for being you. And I don’t mean to talk down to you, but at 21 you are very young and have your whole life ahead of you, and have so much left to learn about yourself and life in general.

I hope you don’t get discouraged, you’re doing amazing right now. Give yourself grace, maybe some space to think about what you really want out of life, and be kind to yourself. You don’t need to have everything figured out overnight, take your time.

Hang in there friend. Hold fast.

From: Bart_Tastic

Hey friend! Even though I haven’t been in this situation myself I can see and feel what you are talking about and I know you can get through it! Awesome job reaching out and being vulnerable, that further shows you want help. Love you and I know you will get through this! There’s an entire loving non judging community right here for you! Hold fast.

@ThebritishAvenger hey man thank you for posting.

I relate a lot to this very much. I at 31 felt the same way at 21 also. I to have a learning disability. I first want to say this does get better. It sucks at the younger years of life and feel that all this negativity will always exist every second of the day. I want to say it gets better. Yeah we hear that all the time from everyone. I am say thing this because i had to tell it to myself through the years. Creating actually is one of the best things you can be doing right now cause you get express what you feel. I still create to this day and it helps me deal with some really personal emotions.

Remember You have worth in peoples lives. The Content you create has value to those that like it. You have value and worth.

Hold Fast
Morgan Vincent Hochstetler
HeartSupport Intern

From: tromboness

I also dread waking up. I feel like my efforts in job searching are futile. The only times I don’t doubt my right to exist is when I’m social dancing or hanging out with my dance friends.

From: Dame_Nation

I wake up in tears almost every morning, wondering what I did wrong in life. I feel I have been a unfit parent, although I tried my darndest every single day. Now my life is no longer governed by fear, there’s hope, but I still feel like I wasn’t meant to be :( it’s a weird and sad ongoing thought.

Hey friend. We discussed your topic on the HeartSupport Twitch stream today! Here’s the live video response.
Hold Fast