I just found this page i struggle with borderline

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I just found this page.
I struggle with borderline personality disorder and have been thrown away by 3 separate therapists.

They have given up on me and it feels like I’m about to agree with them and give up on myself.

I’m sorry for just randomly throwing this out there. I really don’t have anyone that I talk to about my mental health.

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I’m very sorry you are going through this, your situation isn’t easy and we are here to hear you out if you’d like to talk about it or just vent.

Finding a good therapist isn’t the easiest task and many people go through multiple ones before they find the right person for them. Maybe your next therapist will be the perfect fit for your needs. Though I can understand why you’d want to avoid going through that situation again. Maybe you have a friend or family member you can talk to?

Please don’t give up on yourself! The world is a better place with you in it! It’s okay to not feel okay and your feelings are valid.

Feel free to throw anything our way or just chat. We are here to help you the best we can!

Good Morning my friend.

Thank you so much for posting about what you’re going through and for being honest with us.

I am so sorry that you’ve been going through this. When we see therapists as the ones that are there to help, and they decline that help, well I imagine that feels pretty close to being abandoned or left behind.

And that has to hurt so much. Im sorry.

Borderline personality, to my understanding, has so much stigma surrounding it. I was going to normal talk therapy when I started to suspect that I had BPD. Therapists would ask me to talk about things and I would be able to logically relay information and understand where i went wrong without their interference. Which I think led to them thinking that I was more aware than i was or hiding things. Im unsure. But either way, i ended up feeling like talk therapy didnt really work for me. Because being overwhelmed by emotions in big bursts - talking stuff out logically wasnt helping me really. I needed better ways to manage the emotions in the moment and needed homework.

What I found out was that there are different types of therapy. I found out that DBT, dialectical behavioral therapy, is one designed specifically for treating things like BPD.

And that worked a lot for me. I went for 6 months before I stopped, which I regret, but in that time I learned a lot about myself and was challenged in a lot of ways.

So maybe finding therapists that practice a certain type of therapy would help?

Either way, I believe you friend. But I also have faith that you will figure this out and make it through.

Hold fast, ok?