I just found your channel and your reaction touche

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Alice in Chains Nutshell
I just found your channel and your reaction touched me in a way that I’ve never experienced before :pray: I have I’ve been told extreme PTSD from many friends family and strangers dying in my arms some violently and I became an addict and have been on Suboxone for a year and still struggle with depression anxiety insomnia and just battling each day to get out of bed and go to work and not end it all , sorry to comment like this I just felt like you are a good listener if you read this don’t think less of me I’m a good man I think I just had a bad hand in life I’ve been told anyway thank you :pray: for this reaction it got me thinking that I’m not alone Bless you , Michael :canada:

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Thank you so much for your comment. It is so brave of you to speak about your experience, thank you for being vulnerable with us. Struggling with addiction is a difficult challenge to face, but there are so many people out there who have the same struggle. You are very right in that YOU ARE NOT ALONE! No one is ever alone, someone out there understands your struggles and may even be going through similar experiences.

I’m so sorry to hear about your losses. It sounds like the effects they have had on you are substantial, but it is worth noting that even if it is hard, getting out of bed is an achievement! It’s a step towards progress in many ways, you are pushing yourself to get up and get out and do something, which is huge! You are so strong and know that there is someone out there who is proud of you still being here with us and going through each day the best you can. I know it’s hard sometimes and your struggles do not go unnoticed. Keep pushing, keep working on yourself, and keep going. You are seen, you are heard, and you are appreciated.

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Hi Michael,
First of all, I don’t want you to ever think people will think less of you for being vulnerable and speaking your truth. Your feelings and experiences are real and valid, especially when facing pain and uncertainty in life. What you went through is not your fault and you didn’t deserve to go through that, no one should have to see their friends and family members go. I can’t imagine what kind of weight that leaves behind.

I’m so proud of you for reaching out and being able to speak up about your experiences! And it sounds like you’re taking steps in recovery and healing! Even though those roads can feel long and tiring, or like you’re going in circles, or that this road doesn’t lead anywhere, the journey is just as important as the destination. Every day is different, every week has its ups and downs, but every month you make it through is a victory. You made it. And you’re still making it through every single day. It makes my heart happy that you’re so strong and willing to press on! You are wonderful and have people who love you and need you! Stay blessed and know that we’re here for you!!
-Pen :purple_heart: