I keep losing

I know I’m not alone when I say I am Christian married man with kids and I seem to keep losing the porn battle. My anxiety and stress are my biggest triggers. I just need some prayers to conquer this disgusting habit. I do have a friend that knows my issues and I pray everyday that this will be removed from my soul once and for all, but I keep losing and the guilt is killing me. Just needed to put this down in words, maybe this is my first step.




You are stronger than you think. God has your back. You won’t stay like this forever. I prayed for you. Keep fighting!


Thank you, that means alot


Hey @Tundra13,

I’m sending all the love and thoughts possible to you. <3

You will win this battle, friend. And during this journey, it’s okay to give yourself as much grace as possible. I hear that you feel guilty, and I want to remind you today that there is nothing shameful about your struggles. It’s human to look after some kind of instant fix or relief, especially when there’s this anxiety pressuring you. Anxiety can be a living nightmare sometimes, it feels like it drains the life out of us.

I’m proud of you for sharing about this and making this first step. It’s such an important one. Know that you are not alone in fighting this habit, and you’ll always be welcomed here with a huge amount love and care, no judgment.

Regarding your stress/anxiety, do you manage to find ways to work on that? It’s good to fight against a habit that remains unhealthy for you, but it’s also very important to find different coping mechanisms, ones that would help you grow and feel more at peace. What are the resources that are available for you right now to support you during this journey?

I believe in you, Tundra. :hrtlegolove:


Hey @Tundra13, thank you for sharing and for being so real. This is something that is so tough and can become even tougher to fall into a vicious cycle of guilt that causes even more stress and anxiety. Something that has helped me when I make mistakes is realizing the difference between shame and guilt. Guilt is feeling bad for making a mistake and shame is thinking you are a mistake. You are not a mistake. Something that could potentially be helpful is accountability. It is extremely difficult for me to overcome anything alone and you are not alone. I know you mentioned that you have a friend that knows, but feel free to direct message me if you want someone to check in and just see how things are going. Stay strong.


Thank you all for the kindness, not going to lie but since I made this post I have been much more aware of what I’m doing with down time. I have a long road ahead but I know I will get there.

I would love for you to check in with me but I don’t know how to do direct messaging

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