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Belongs to: https://forum.heartsupport.com/t/34027
I know this feeling very well my mom was my home and she passed away 8 months ago. So I know this lonely feeling not everyone understands it. But there are all of us that are your family and will always be here for you anytime. Family comes in many forms and we are yours.


i feel sorry to hear that, my thoughts are with you. feeling lonely is extremely hard to overcome sometimes.
we are here anytime, for everyone out there. there is a family you are born in , and one you choose.
this community can be a family, for me it is. you are loved and you matter :purple_heart:


From: ManekiNeko

thank you for the beautiful reminder that family can be the people who love and support us even if they aren’t the ones we are born into. My heart goes out to you for your loss. I hope as you grieve and process this loss you also find comfort in this community and chosen family. X


From: Lisalovesfeathers

Hi Friend, I am so sorry for your Loss, I cannot imagine losing my Mum, however I totoally agree with your theory on friends and how they are also an amazing family and the ones you choose not the ones you were born with and just so that you know you are now on the Heart support forum so you also have a whole new family of people that love and support you. You are awesome and thank you again for being such an amazing person. Lisa. x

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Thank you for sharing such a kind response. In the midst of your own struggles and loss, you manage to share love and encouragement around you. It is truly humbling and inspiring. I hope that through this grief of yours, you make sure to seek connections where they are safe and possible. If you ever need a community, Heartsupport will always have the door open for you. I have myself a share of struggles with my biological familay, but I can tell that I have learned to re-define the way I see “family” – which is right now made of my dearest friends. <3

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From: eloquentpetrichor

I’m so sorry for your loss but I love the way you look at family. It is so true that family comes in all forms and it is always such a wonderful thing to remind people of that. Loneliness is difficult but finding a family to share yourself with can help overcome so many things :hrtlegolove:


From: Manni XP - Snow Edition

Hey, thank you for posting! It’s great that you’re able to talk about how you feel. Props for acknowledging that while some people may not understand what you’re going through, others can. Take as long as you need to heal!


@heartsupport I feel like I have spent my life grieving my dad died when I was 5 then my brother 7 years ago and now my mom. This one however is the worst pain I have ever felt in my life. And the overwhelming urge to go and join my mom is worse than the loneliness. Thank you for reaching out it means more than you will ever know I am now following your page.

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@heartsupport thank you. I just don’t ever want anyone to feel lonely it is the most awful feeling.

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@heartsupport thank you so much this helps knowing there are people out who care.

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