I literally relate to every word of this song it s

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Hate Myself by NF
I literally relate to every word of this song… it sucks that I think this way but it’s true❤️

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I’m sorry to hear that. I feel the pain of each lyric of the song too. I feel like that almost every day. It does suck doesn’t it?
But as I go day by day, I try to remind myself that there are people who love me for who I am. There are people that want to be with me, near me and talk to me. Sometimes it’s really hard for me because I don’t believe them - cause “I know better”. However there really is the little voice in my head that tells me it’s not true.
I hope you can find a bit of love for yourself. Because I know what’s down there and it’s not pretty. I’m sending virtual hugs.

Hi there,

I’m really sorry this song is so relatable to you, it used to be relatable for me too.
It’s hard because we are in a constant fight with our inner self and we feel that we deserve all those negative things our mind tells us, just because we can’t break those lies by ourselves. Sometimes we really need to listen the positive things we hear from people around us, and to try to believe them. Those small things matter and should be taken in consideration, at least this is how I started to clear my vision about myself that lead me to some realizations that maybe they were right about me, and after all I am not this bunch of negativities.
And even if we don’t have people to tell us those positive things, we have ourselves. And we can take a better look at our actions and to highlight the things that make us a better person, maybe you helped someone and they were really greatful, or you said a compliment to someone, you’re a good listener or you inspired someone or anything that you can think of, to prove that you are not as bad as you think you are, it just takes time to realize that.
I know it’s not easy, loving ourselves it’s a long painful process but even if we can’t really reach that step, we can learn how to take care better of ourselves, because we deserve that. We deserve good things to happen to us.
What else helped me was to go to therapy, it felt like those thoughts were given a new perspective to look at, and you know sometimes things are better if we look from a different angle.
Have you considered going to therapy?
And you always have our community that will support and encourage you.

I hope you will find the power to love yourself!

I understand wholeheartedly, friend! I’ve lost all hope more than once in my life, but my kids and music are my rock. You have family here, friend!