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Belongs to: https://forum.heartsupport.com/t/34479
I lost my first born daughter in 2018. It was gut wrenching. I went two years with my wife saying get some help. I was afraid that if I got help, I would starting crying and never stop. I finally accepted help from a grief counselor. It wasn’t easy and it wasn’t quick but I made it through it and I’m a better man for it. I lost my dad last September and my mom passed 4 months later. Having the tools I learned from the loss of Shelby helped me deal with my parents. It still hurts, that part doesn’t go away, but the depression and sadness is replaced with fond memories of my parents and my little girl. Hope this finds you well.


talk about courage…it felt like you had to die to go to that counselor that first time…there was a part of you that died with her, and you had to come to terms with that in order to go in…it was like having your left leg get paralyzed but you walked around in life dragging it behind you - I’M FINE, I CAN STILL WALK, EVERYTHING IS NORMAL. Acceptance of tragedy is an acknowledgment of loss, that things aren’t the same, and will never be again. It is one of the hardest things to stomach in general. But for that to be the loss of your daughter. All but unbearable. So proud of the courage you summoned. Can’t imagine the weight that was. But how powerful your story to be on the other side of that admission. You are a powerful light. Thank you for choosing to keep going.

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Hello :hrtlegolove: I am so sorry you have suffered so much loss and in such a short time. No one should have to experience that much heartbreak but it is so amazing that you found the courage to keep moving forward, seek help, and reach some level of acceptance in your losses. It sounds like your wife is very supportive and understanding and I hope that you continue supporting each other and growing your love for many, many years to come. Keep swimming, friend, you are doing amazing :hrtlegolove:

I salute you for your courage and bravery, to first get help with it, and then using those lessons to help you cope and navigate through a lot of additional loss.

Absolutely love that your fond memories of your parents and little girl are where you are now, and I hope that life brings you sweet and wonderful memories. thank you for sharing this with us!