I love animals

Going through an emotional slump/ depression struggle. The only thing keeping me going are my pets .animals are the best.


Animals sure can help:) when I’m depressed I try to pray a lot, so that’s what I’ll do for you too

Hi @Elaine. I’m sorry you’re struggling. I agree with you. Animals are the best. No matter how you’re feeling, they give you love, and it’s unconditional. I have cats and they’ve gotten me through some of my worst days. I hope you feel better soon.

~Daisy :hearts:


Hi friend,

You’re absolutely right: animals are incredibely helpful. They have this wonderful ability to feel things and understand how we feel. I’m sorry you are struggling with depression. I know how much it is overwhelming. But I’m also glad to hear that your pets are helping you. There is a special bond between them and you and it’s particularly precious!

Just know that you have friends here as well. You are loved.

Hold fast. :heart:

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