I’m exhausted with life

I feel like I have no energy or motivation anymore - every thing just seems like it drains me of energy even simple daily tasks like brushing my teeth just feels like running a marathon mentally - even writing this is exhausting. I don’t know what to do anymore I feel like I just want to sleep forever because doing anything else is tiring.

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i feel the same way bro, i was so motivated with my band but now i cant keep going because i dont have more inspiration and motivation and life does not make much sense for me, but we are all worth.

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I understand the feeling. When my stress gets too high I just start feeling more and more exhausted until even moving takes effort. My depression can be so physically and mentally exhausting that I will spend weeks not moving when I get home from work. It’s important to look at the little things that are stressing you out and try to eliminate the little things. It does wonder for how you feel if you can just take care of one tiny thing, even if you just can get the energy to ask someone else to help. I also recommend hot baths (they release endorphins) and anything that allows you to mentally reset. It’s hard, I know it takes me a couple weeks to recover, but you have to take the steps now to prevent your mood from deteriorating further. Don’t be afraid to take a day off to just rest and do nothing but what you want. I have spent almost entire days sleeping to force myself to rest so I stop burning myself out. Just make sure you eat, drink plenty of water, take your multivitamins, and make sure you allow yourself time to rest. Both mentally and physically. We are so accustomed to burning at both ends that we forget to take the time to not be in work mode.

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