I’m feeling sick

I’ve been kind of sick for the whole week now; constant nausea, dizziness and bad headaches. It has gotten better but also worse. At first I couldn’t stand up without the world spinning or me stumbling. And yesterday my headache got extremely bad, to the point I couldn’t do anything anymore. Today the headache is gone but the nausea is still there along with a suffocating feeling of sadness in my chest. I hope this goes away again soon.

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You should absolutely go to a doctor to get this checked out because it sounds serious.

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I wish I could, but I know my parents won’t take me. And I’m not able to go by myself, considering how we have almost no bus connections here

Hey friend, what makes you think your parents wouldn’t take you to a doctor? Did that situation already happen in the past? I agree with Amaya - it sounds that what you’re going through could be serious and need proper care.

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It’s a little complicated to explain but every single time I mention that I’m not feeling well, my mom either gets really aggressive and tells me, she does not want to take me to doctor yet again, since according to her there is always something wrong with me and we’re in the doctors office way too much or she just doesn’t care at all and brushes it off. I’ve already told her about how I felt these past days and all she said was “hm” before shrugging it off once more.

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I see. I’m sorry she’s reacting that way… As much as I can understand that she would be tired to go to the doctor multiples times, it’s still her job to make sure that you receive the medical care you need. You are the first and only person to know how it feels to be in your body and that shouldn’t be questioned. As you mentioned your parents earlier, do you live with both of them/do they react the same way?

Also, just checking in: how are you feeling today?

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I live with both my parents, but my father works until evening, so I don’t really see him throughout the day except for weekends. He’s a genuinely nice person but would side with my mom in these situations, I guess. It’s kinda always been that way. If I would ask him, he’d tell me to talk to my mom about it

I’m feeling somewhat better, I think? I still have a light constant headache and also feel a little dizzy but it’s a lot better than compared to the past days. Although yesterday my headache was a lot worse out of nowhere again

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