I-m-gonna-be-32-and-i-also-deal-with-anxiety-and-o - 1105

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Belongs to: https://forum.heartsupport.com/t/38249
I’m gonna be 32 and I also deal with anxiety and on meds and go to therapy for it. Some days are better than others but it’s good to have good support like my family and bff. It’s a process and something I deal with everyday.


Hi Friend, Thank you for your post
It is so good to read that you have such a great support system around you as you manage your anxiety from meds to what sounds like a lovely family and friends.
I hope as you all keep working on it that maybe one day you will get to a point where medication wont be neccessary and life will be calmer for you. Best of luck. Lisa.

@heartsupport thanks so much!

This is a type of daily battle and journey that is invisible to the eye. I’m so very grateful that you’ve shared about your experience here, about this journey of yours. It deserves to be seen and your efforts deserve to be celebrated as well. It takes a lot of strength to reach out in order to receive the support we need, especially in a world that tends to define mental health as something taboo that should remain hidden. I see you today and truly want to commend you for your bravery. Keep if up, friend. I wish you the best on this healing path that you’re building for yourself. <3

@heartsupportwall thank you I appreciate that a lot