I’m just not okay

Let’s just start this off with that I’m not okay. I feel alone helpless worthless and unwanted by people. I have constant thoughts of I’m not good enough for anyone or even myself. I try to make my life better and be happy but I can’t get out of the sadness and negative thoughts. I feel like I’m just “unfixable”



I have friends man and still feel that way too. Like nobody cares and no one wants to help. There are people that do want to help though I believe that. But it seems like our nothingness can conquer us no matter what

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I completely understand these feelings, I’ve been feeling all the same way recently. I’ve felt like I’m damaged goods, that my life is not worth fixing. These are lies man, when we dwell on our mistakes we begin to let them define us. What’s the alternative? Let them consume us and just give up? I’m a human, and even though nothing worth having comes easy, I deserve a chance at happiness regardless of whatever mistakes I made in my past. You do too. Please don’t give up.

Hold fast friend.

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hey man

I do feel that way too sometimes, it just the depression messing your head. But you got to remeber that you are a good person and you need to love yourself. No one is a perfet person and everyone make mistakes, try to remeber their nothing wrong with you, your just human. Remeber you can always talk on here and let it out.