I-mean-it-s-been-a-core-belief-in-western-culture - 1346

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I mean, it’s been a core belief in western culture that we are what we have. So many of my traumas came from childhood, because my parents had trauma, their parents had it, going back forever. I truly feel it is only now that the status quo is finally changing, and the world will slowly heal. I am in recovery, work with people new to recovery with a focus on trauma, and no matter the background, DOC, years in active use, every story has parallel means. I love that people are bringing so much love and healing and can’t wait for it to continue and spread!


Yeah - trauma begets trauma begets trauma, right? It’s hard to be a part of a cycle and not know it; harder still to be a part of a cycle, know it, and not know what to do about it; I think harder even still to be a part of that cycle, and /actually/ do something about it. It is a courageous choice to see a problem and choose to believe in the hope that things can change and be different. Especially because it’s not binary. Healing is a gradient, a scale, and when you choose to engage in healing, it’s not like flipping a switch and all of a sudden things are better for you/your family/the generations thereafter. But having the courage to say - no matter how little of a difference I will make, I will make it. I choose to be a part of moving this needle. It’s bold. It’s the kind of person I want to be too. And I admire that that is the kind of person you are as well.

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